Does this break the Game?
General forum
Posted on July 24, 2020, 11:08 a.m. by SilentPlague
Here it is, Tephraderm, Arcbond, and a Darksteel Myr. Darksteel Myr gets 3 damage outside of combat. I Have Tephraderm out and also played Arcbond targeting Darksteel Myr. Does the damage stack even though it is outside of combat? You can't stack two Volcanic Hammers to kill a 6/6 creature and would assume no for this reason. Wouldn't this be the same thing?
So assuming no stacking, those 2 don't die. I created an infinite combo until a player dies. Now let's get ridiculous. Both players have now played Angel of Grace this turn. Does there become a priority at some point?
I think I found a way where the game infinitely stalls without any outside intervention. I would be interested in any comments on this piece. Probably a pointless act, but amusing at least.
SilentPlague says... #3
Sorry, I'll be more specific. Yes, playing 2 Volcanic Hammers can kill a 6/6 as long as you don't let the first resolve and then play the other, correct? In that case, the 6/6 would take 6 damage once all damage on the stack resolved. They do not actually take 3 and then 3 again. Also, the spells on the stack would need to both resolve for the 6/6 to eventually take the 6 damage.
So that was more my point I suppose for getting into the scenario I created. Do the abilities and damage keep going on the stack (possibly infinitely) and resolve in a clean up step if you can get to it? Or do they resolve after each ability activates? In one case a creature or a player will die without something like Angel of Grace. In the other, we die of old age waiting for all the effects to resolve.
Regardless, you have answered my question as far as what happens in an indeterminate situation. It apparently leads to a draw.
July 24, 2020 12:57 p.m.
WolfWitcher518 says... #4
who told you that you can't "stack" 2 Volcanic Hammer to kill a 6 toughness creature?
you can most definitely resolve the first before playing the second, and the creature most definitely takes 3 damage then 3 damage, not all 6 at once. the cards resolve separately, not simultaneously.
you seem to have a fundamentally flawed understanding of certain aspects of the game.
July 24, 2020 12:59 p.m.
The above is correct; it doesn’t matter when damage is marked, it keeps on the creature until the cleanup step, which is the very last thing to occur in a turn.
Your 6/6 could take 3 damage in combat, then another 3 in the second main phase. It is now dead.
Your 6/6 could take 1 damage in the first main then another 5 in combat. Dead.
Your 6/6 could take 1 damage in upkeep, 1 in first main, 1 from a spell in combat, 1 from being blocked in combat, 1 in second main, and 1 in end step (which occurs before cleanup). It is still dead.
That is why you need indestructible on all creatures in order for this to go infinite - otherwise you will eventually kill one of the creatures through damage being greater than toughness. Indestructible prevents that death, as if let’s you mark more damage than the creature’s toughness.
July 24, 2020 1:22 p.m.
Short of giving your Tephraderm indestructible it is going to die the second time the Myr deals it 3 damage from the Arcbond effect. As is, your combo is just a clunky way to deal 6 damage to each creature and player.
July 24, 2020 1:28 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #7
So like others have said, no this doesn’t work.
However, if you do want to “break the game” just cast an oblivion ring with nothing on the field, (your opponent has to have an empty board as well, not including lands).
So let your first O-ring resolve, it doesn’t exile anything. Cast a second O-ring targeting your O-ring. Then finally cast a 3rd O-ring.
They will only each be able to target each other and so you’ll have an infinite loop of 1 o-ring being exiled and bringing back another o-ring from exile. It doesn’t do literally anything but it breaks the game if nobody can do anything lol.
Caerwyn says... #2
First off, you can stack two Volcanic Hammers to kill a 6/6. Damage remains marked on a creature until the Cleanup Step, which is part of the Ending Phase. Your first Hammer marks 3 damage on the creature; the second marks an additional 3 for a total of 6.
If you managed to make the Tephraderm indestructible and two+ players play an Angel of Grace, then you will end up killing all players not protected by the Angel, and the remaining players will all draw because you entered a loop of mandatory actions that cannot be broken and will continue indefinitely. (R. 104.4b).
July 24, 2020 11:23 a.m.