Does Unsanctioned Qualify as the Fourth Un-Set?
General forum
Posted on Aug. 12, 2021, 8:19 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
Some users have been asking Mark Rosewater about a potential fourth un-set, but have those users forgotten about Unsanctioned? Or is that set not counted as the fourth un-set? What does everyone else say about this subject?
DemonDragonJ says... #3
Caerwyn, I was under the impression that any collection of cards that were released under a single name qualified as a set; i.e., every From the Vault, Duel Deck, Signature Spellbook, and Comamnder Collection would qualify as sets.
Are you saying that only "normal" (i.e., standard-legal) sets qualify as sets? What about Battlebond, Conspiracy, and the various Masters? Do those qualify as sets?
August 12, 2021 9:30 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #5
DarkMagician, that is what qualifies a collection of cards as a set? That seems to be very flimsy criteria, in my mind.
August 12, 2021 10:03 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #6
FtV, at least to me, are definitely not sets. Are duel decks a set?
August 12, 2021 10:22 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #7
Grubbernaut, I always considered Duel Decks to be sets, but I wonder what WotC's opinion is on that matter?
August 12, 2021 10:38 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #8
Duel Decks are considered "box sets", unlike, say, Ixalan--an "expansion set".
Caerwyn says... #2
Unsanctioned was not a set, anymore than Commander products are sets. It added a few more cards, but it did not count as a full set.
August 12, 2021 8:48 p.m.