Drafting M11
General forum
Posted on July 21, 2010, 3:47 p.m. by kabrazell
Hey yall, wanted to make an article about drafting M11 but don't think I put enough content in it to make it worth while, so I'll just post it here! If you have other suggestions/views please respond!
Here are some suggestions:
- Play Blue
I feel that blue is hands down the strongest color in m11 draft, and it can also support 2-4 players at the table. It's also decent as either a primary or secondary color.
Why? Two reasons:
A. Blue has GREAT card draw. Augury Owl , Preordain and Foresee are all amazing at the common level, and if you get your hands on a card:Jace's Ingenuity, you will be winning many games. With 3 card-drawers at common and 1 at uncommon, blue can also support multiple drafters at a table.
B. Blue has strong creatures
At common, you've got AEther Adept , Azure Drake , and Cloud Elemental , all of which are great picks. People at my draft also vastly undervalued water-servent as I picked up multiples both times I played blue.
Blue is just the place to be, I'd almost say force it as a color if you can, or jump into it as your secondary. If you haven't drafted a lot of M11, take blue cards, it will usually turn out well for you.
- Play Bombs
Yes, you need your random Barony Vampire s, Runeclaw Bear s, and Silvercoat Lion s to hold down the fort, but m11 isn't really a format were you want to 'Curve out', play more 4 and 5 drops and give bombs a higher value. In my winning deck, I played 2x Water Servant , 1x Cyclops Gladiator , and 2x Fire Servant among other bombs. The format is slow enough that you will get there especially if you follow the next tip...
- Value Removal
Every color gets its fair share of effecient removal, and as usuall in limited, it's very powerfull. Keep an eye out for anything from Pacifism to Quag Sickness . You'll be happy to play anything, except maybe hornet's-sting, which appears to just have too few good targets.
Overall reccomendation:
Go into a color for a bomb, and then go X/blue. If you open up Ancient Hellkite , then go red/blue and value cards like Lightning Bolt and card:Chandra's Outrage. Always value card draw like Foresee , Preordain , and Augury Owl .
Hope these reccomendations help you when some drafts. Good luck to you all in this new and awesome format!
I still think semi-forcing blue is the right call, obv sometimes it's not open but you aren't going into it for a Scroll Thief or anything. White is certainly very strong in M11, and U/W is probably the best combination but I still feel blue is better. Blinding Mage is the nuts though, there is no doubt.
Card draw "not winning you the game" is a non-argument, nothing wins you the game, really, does it? Does a Stormfront Pegasus win you the game? Card draw gives you more options and scrying makes your draw stronger, giving you more and better options with which to win the game. It's pretty hard to lose when you Foresee two Unsummon s, put a Cloud Elemental on top and a useless land on bottom.
Keep in mind this set hasn't been out for very long so I'm no expert, but I stand by Blue being the strongest. I don't even think white is second strongest, black might be.
July 21, 2010 6:20 p.m.
MDragoon423 says... #4
Haha, interestingly enough, I went Blue/White/Black at my first M11 Limited event. Anyways, Stormfront Pegasus does indeed win you games. It hits for 2 damage. If its just him, 10 hits and you win the game. You play 10 draw spells, you just have a lot of cards. Sure, the cards you draw can then be used to help you win the game, but drawing cards sure does not do it. (Unless you're playing with a bunch of card:Jace's Erasures)
Blue is good, but I don't think its the strongest color of M11, nor do I think it should be forced as a main color. Blue as a support color, sure, definitely.
Just saying, most drafts are won by damage.
July 21, 2010 6:52 p.m.
I still think it's the strongest. Card draw still beats Stormfront Pegasus , you can't just play 3 foresees and win, but if you foresee into a lightning bolt, you're pretty far ahead, or an assasinate, or a pacifism, or a giant spider. Blue's card draw makes any other color better because you can improve your draws and find your answers or your bombs. Have you ever lost a game from drawing too many lands? Cast an Augury Owl and I bet that wont happen. M11 has 3 respectable card drawers in blue at the common level (I'm counting Augury Owl ), which means it's okay to semi-force it because you're likely to pick up some of these cards. Blue's Azure Drake and Cloud Elemental STILL outclass all of white's common flyers AND they're more splashable. It's just hard to lose as long as you pick up some respectable removal in your other color.
July 21, 2010 7:35 p.m.
MDragoon423 says... #6
Well, I am willing to just say that we have different play styles and that leads us to think about drafting and colors differently. I am a very aggressive player, and I'm assuming you're slightly control oriented.
At common level, white has Stormfront Pegasus , Wild Griffin , Assault Griffin , and Cloud Crusader . If I play a turn 2 Pegasus, I get to swing with it for a turn before you get to play the 2 fliers you named. And when you play them, sure, I can't swing in anymore, but neither can you. Once you swing in for 2 power, I hit back for the exact same 2 power. And since I am able to get my creatures out before you, I am winning that race. For 4, you can get a 2/4 flier or a 3/2 flier, I take the 3/2. And you can't say those cards are more splash-able, the white fliers are just as splash-able! (Maybe except for Cloud Crusader ). And white has more fliers at the common level. I didn't name them all up there, just the ones most common.
July 21, 2010 7:46 p.m.
rockleemyhero says... #7
Guys, I know everyone here is saying U and W is amazing, but DO NOT autodraft it. Everyone goes for U/W....do not go for it unless you see good cards coming to you! In my shops draft, of about 50-60 people, I took 5th with a R/G deck. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I also didn't lose a single game. I just played a few really slow players who forced us to draw (of at least 2 of the draws I thought it was just a few more turns till I won). So in actuality I could have came in first if I didn't get screwed like that. So the moral of the story is: do not over estimate blue and white people!! Is great, but not necessary to win games
July 21, 2010 7:54 p.m.
It's not an auto-draft, but I'd still semi-force blue. If you can pick up any of the good commons in blue, then I'd move into that color more quickly than I would other colors. I won my draft last friday (got Grave Titan in the redraft) and top 8'd the other two. The only time I didn't draft blue is the last one when I went into Red/Black for 3 Quag Sickness , 3 Assassinate , one Corrupt 3 lilianna's-specter, I even had an Inferno Titan and a Sword of Vengeance . That was still my worst draft because the power level just wasn't there. Any deck gets infinitely better with just a few blue commons, and they are easy enough to get.
July 21, 2010 10:41 p.m.
MDragoon423 says... #9
I agree with you, decks get better with some blue commons, they have good cards. Same can be said about white and black and red and green.
I've been to my fair share of M11 drafts/sealed and I've drafted Black/White twice, Red/White once, and Blue/White once. In sealed I went Black/Blue/White once and Red/Green once.
I've top 4'ed in every one of those events. Blue is good, I have to say, I do like a lot of cards in blue. I chose blue over red once even though red had 2 Lightning Bolt s, a Fling , Act of Treason , and 2 Thunder Strike s. I got 1st place in that event.
In my opinion, white is better. There is no set fact on which color is better, we just differ in opinions. I never going into a draft even semi-forcing a color, it throws me off. But if it works for you, then great, keep doing it.
July 21, 2010 11:20 p.m.
For sure Dragoon, I'm just throwing out my suggestions. I really think that Blue is a strong place to be and that if people draft it, it will work out for them, but I also have 2 other suggestions, the 'draft blue' one alone should not dictate a strategy. I also agree there are times when it's completely wrong to go into blue, and that it wont always work. Thats why I tried to support my case with evidence that blue can handle multiple drafters. Let me just say I really appreciate you leaving your feedback, it's a new format and no one really knows the right strategy, but if no one presents their findings we learn less as a community. I like having some general guidelines when I draft, and if they might help others, then I'll share them. I hope you'll continue to do the same!
July 22, 2010 3:46 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #11
I tend to agree with you kabrazell, that blue has so much to offer it can support multiple players picking up blue cards. Oviously you can't ignore how the cards are comming to you or what you see getting passed, that would be foolish, but I have seen 4 people sucessfully all draft blue, and have good decks. (to be fair it wasn't a main color for all of them) I also feel that white is a strong color, and that so is green. I feel red and black need to be paired with one of the above 3 colors usually but are more support colors. If you go red for a few creatures and a bunch of spells then you are going red for the right reason. If you go red for their creatures you are going to be a bit disappointed, unless you luck into a lot of red rares / uncommons.
July 22, 2010 12:27 p.m.
MDragoon423 says... #12
Heck yea, blue is a great support color.
Green is also pretty dang good. I don't draft it very often, but green just has big dumb creatures that flail their arms and hit things. And they also have efficient creatures. card:Garruk's Companion Grrr..
July 22, 2010 12:32 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #13
Do NOT underestimate green. You'll be playing them and they'll have a bunch of meh commons and uncommons, and then Gaea's Revenge or something will fall on your head and kill you unannounced. Green has the best rares in the set.
July 22, 2010 10:45 p.m.
abmagodd08 says... #14
I think that u/g is the strongest overall, maybe witha splash of white, sleep is just too too good, along with mind control, big fatties and air servant, you just pretty much win,i have drafted u/g once and opened a nice sealed pile aswell, playing u/g slash white, cultivates make the third color an easy splash aswell. black or red could also be good splashes but i dont like drafting red, and black doesnt seem to have enough to offer besides removal which is also an amazing splash.
July 23, 2010 11:43 a.m.
SocialistElite says... #15
Okay. Here is how you draft M11 (or any core set for that matter).
In the first couple of picks, take Bomb rares and Uncommons. Don't commit to that color right away. You only need around 23 playables, and you're going to have 45 cards.
When it seems like a color is open, go into that color.
After a while, pick a splash color for either bombs or removal, depending on what you need.
Play 16-18 lands, depending on what type of deck and what kind of curve you have.
Remember, no single color is any better than another. It all comes down to personal style and preference. As long as you stick to a mostly mono-colored deck, you will be fine. You'd be amazed at the number of games that you win because your opponent just needs that single mountain or that second swamp.
Thats generally my plan. I've won my past 3 drafts with it, so its a pretty good plan. sometimes you get screwed though if the person on your right is drafting inconsistantly, but otherwise, youll win some. lol
July 23, 2010 1:15 p.m.
They certainly did a good job at making m11 a balanced and very close format. If you know how to draft, you will have exciting games. Like SocialistElite said, bombs are very important, so is removal. I still stand by blue being the strongest color, but I guess you can't convince everybody.
July 24, 2010 5:44 a.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #17
Seeking advice, gentlemen...
I'm going into an M11 draft where I know several players will be pushing mono blue and/or blue + white. Let's just say these fellahs don't know how much their wives understand while sitting on the couch listening to them go on and on about their secret plans.
Assuming you consider your intel "a slam dunk", would you start the draft targeting specific colors? I'm thinking black and green. Or would you draft the first packs as though it were wide open?
July 27, 2010 5:19 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #18
If you KNOW that a person is in another color, I wouldn't go into those colors on purpose. However, don't be afraid to hate bomby cards in those colors.
Green/Red is pretty strong. Red has good removal, green has good creatures. Black/Red is always fun cuz you can get TONZ of removal. Seriously... TONZ. Black/Green... Eh. Im not sure. I can honestly say I haven't really drafted BG since Ravinica so I cant really say. If you do draft that, let me know how it goes.
July 27, 2010 5:43 p.m.
MDragoon423 says... #19
I actually agree with you, S.A.C in that you should go B/G. Since Blue and White will be sufficiently drafted, of course, you want to stay away from those. But like Elite said, don't be afraid to hate the bombs in those colors, don't let them get too powerful.
Anyways, I like B/G because black has the removal, also has some good creatures, and green has large creatures that will beat in repeatedly. Not sure how it'll fair against a field of U/W, but I think its good.
July 27, 2010 7:02 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #20
You should definately make green your primary color, or at least that sounds like a good plan. As to whether you go with black or red, or even blue or white to support it i say that is gonna be a call you have to make as the draft happens.
July 28, 2010 12:20 a.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #21
Based on what I've read, and what I like from the M11 set, I think BG has potential. But you're right, I'll have to wait and see. This is an odd little 5-man draft and I'm certain two will be pushing U/W, the 3rd has been talking up U, but the 4th has been more discreet.
I'll start looking for bombs in any color, then grab black removal when it's available. I think the green creatures will be easier to pick up.
Thanks all!
July 28, 2010 1:55 p.m.
I need to be able to stall till turn four or five with this deck and flyers are a huge problem for me. But in order for the blockers to be usefull to the deck they need to be able to trigger evolve.
Im thinking Guard Gomazoa or Wall of Air What do you think?
Who invited the oozes... Playtest
SCORE: 7 | 4 COMMENTS | 1489 VIEWSJune 17, 2014 4:53 a.m.
Hover Barrier or Nimbus Swimmer for the late game. Also I think you should run at least 3 simic charms because they are just fantastic
June 17, 2014 7:46 a.m.
KrosanTusker says... #25
I do like Guard Gomazoa for this, and also Fog Bank , although Fog Bank is unlikely to trigger evolve if you don't cast it turn 2. Surprised not to see Experiment One in the deck.
June 17, 2014 8:13 a.m.
Thanks for the ideas. Im Not the biggest fan of Nimbus Swimmer
he is a mana dump really and all my mana needs to focus on Ooze Flux
and the reason Experiment One
isnt in here is because at the end of my opponents turn im going to get rid off all counters on all my creatures except for one on the ones that dont have evolve and all the counters on the ones that do evolve so i can get the most out of Renegade Krasis
and Ooze Flux
The game ending combo is to spam oozes with counters from evolve and re evolve my creatures with those oozes and trigger Renegade Krasis . The combo nearly always works by turn 5 or 6 and i can drop 2-3 6/6 oozes per turn. Problem is getting to turn 5 and 6... this doubles if i get a Prophet of Kruphix out and the oozes are bigger if i get a Master Biomancer out.
I dont need a game defining blocker, just one to stop flyers and hopefully trigger evolve.
Im realy starting to lean towards Guard Gomazoa
. I use Bioshift
to move counters onto creatures that dont evolve so they can benefit from proliferate and Renegade Krasis
since Fog Bank
can not do any damage it is less of a prioity to me than Guard Gomazoa
Im still open to.other suggestions or arguments as to why the other blockers are better than Guard Gomazoa . I will consider Simic Charm though, thank you.
June 17, 2014 12:23 p.m.
didnt even know that card existed! Thanks! its not damage proof like the others but it can evolve very easily. thats the top runner for the card im going to add now, thank you again!
MDragoon423 says... #2
Hmmm.. I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. For one, I don't think Blue is the strongest color. I actually think White is the strongest color. That might be a tad bit biased because White is my favorite color in MTG, but I think White has really strong creatures since most of them do fly. You have crits like Serra Angel . Cloud Crusader , and even Stormfront Pegasus which are pretty efficient creatures. Mighty Leap is pretty good, Condemn is prime removal along with Pacifism . Inspired Charge as a nice combat trick. Blinding Mage who is amazing in Limited. White Knight who always strikes first, Goldenglow Moth and Roc Egg as two guys your opponents don't want to run into. Yes, blue has great card draw (since that is what blue is known for), but card draw does not win you the game.
Also, one thing you shouldn't do is tell people to draft a certain color, especially don't tell them to force it as one of their colors. People start to draft into a color that might be really bad in that setting and your opinions of cards a bit warped because you have a mind set of trying to draft a color. You should go into drafts with an open mind and build your deck in your mind along the way, thinking of archetypes within the format. ROE being a great example with all its varying archetypes.
In regards to bombs, yes every deck should have at least a couple of bombs. I usually suggest about 3 or 4.
July 21, 2010 4:51 p.m.