Dude had his 2k EDH deck stolen...
General forum
Posted on Oct. 7, 2017, 5:27 a.m. by Rabid_Wombat
I was Overseas at the time but at my LGS a regular opponent and all-round top guy had his 2k Dragon Tribal deck stolen at FNM. Apparently the store owner was informed but "Didn't have the time to view the CCTV footage." So the HD got wiped at the end of the week.
I'm posting this as a warning to everyone- keep an eye on those deckboxes! I'll only be taking my budget EDH deck to FNM from now on and rolling with Stax on kitchen tables.
I've heard about a guy that had an 8k collection stolen. He informed the police, and a bunch of local game shops about what kind of stuff was in it. They ended up catching the guys, when the shop owner realized what they were being sold they managaed to delay the thieves at the shop long enough for the cops to get there. He ended up getting his cards back.
October 7, 2017 8:25 a.m.
the LGS Owner was too busy to check the footage? Bullshit. I think you are better off finding a new hang out and I recommend your friends do the same. As for the deck - that sucks. Not even this community is free of assholes. Lesson 1. Trust nobody. Sad? Yea, probably, but then again I haven't had a 2k deck stolen.
October 7, 2017 8:42 a.m.
I feel like at my lgs if that were to happen it would have by now. There is one guy there in particular who has a backpack with like 15 commander decks, all of which are no joke. Like they are running Revised Dual lands in every single one and a few other reserved list cards. I don't know how much the decks are worth, but I'd guess that backpack is near $15k, and he hasn't had problems with it thus far.
October 7, 2017 8:48 a.m.
Sad... I don't know how a mature person can do stuff like that. I remember when I was like between 8-10 I stole a Pokemon card from my neighbors sister (chansey)... I felt so guilty... I honestly don't remember if I got caught or gave it back... But the point is I felt so awful and decided living my life as a thieving douche isn't the life for me.
October 7, 2017 9:33 a.m.
This is why when I run card club at school, I only bring my rejected commons, uncommons, and current standard binders. I only bring my rotato budget decks (or soon to be rotatoes) that I decided not to keep up with. I revised all edh decks, removing anything over $5. They never see my best decks.
So when some kid in my club stole a nerfed RW dwarf vehicles deck and half of a budget gremlin tribal deck, I cared more about the missing sleeves than the missing decks (I am a sleeve junky and had a set of 4 plainswalker sleeves that I thought would draw kids into the game)(They took Nahiri and 1/2 Tamiyo).
In fact, if the kid (who can't really buy cards so I filter as much free bulk in as I can manage) gets into the game using an old outdated budget deck, if they asked me, I would say "yes you can take that one".
But yeah, with my decks and cards that I actually care about ... I don't even .... I've watched it happen to my brother too many times. It really sucks.
October 7, 2017 10:01 a.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #8
That just happened here. And the guy who stole it (along with a bunch of cards from the store was caught on cam and they posted the video on Facebook. It was shared over 300 times. Someone knew they guy and tagged his ass and he got busted super hard. The store and the kid who's deck got stolen all got their stuff back. It was a beautiful thing.
October 7, 2017 10:07 a.m.
Damn. That really sucks. I have a 4k deck and I would hate to see it stolen. Also it is prob BS that they didn't have time to watch the footage
October 7, 2017 1:11 p.m.
ZombieTribalFTW says... #10
"Didn't have the time to view the CCTV footage." Yeah, sure. Totally legit... Yesterday at FNM my friend actually got his 750 dollar modern deck stolen and they still never found out who it was. It definitely sucks.
I don't have as much to worry about because my temur energy standard deck is only about 175 dollars.
October 7, 2017 1:30 p.m.
Qolorful I was gonna say. "Didn't have time to check the CCTV footage" sounds downright suspicious to me. Almost as if he didn't want there to be proof of who did it.
October 7, 2017 3:56 p.m.
I'm thankful this doesn't happen at my LGS. If you get caught stealing, you get banned from both of the LGS in town, and any store in the small chain of the stores throughout the state. The two stores in town, while competitors, are on opposite sides of town, but they want to keep these thieving D-bags out of their stores.
October 7, 2017 9:52 p.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #14
Walkman, Profet93, ZombieTribalFTW, Qolorful, Runlue like all of you I was very suspicious of the store manager's excuse. My group has a theory that the footage was not viewed because the CCTV is not actually functional!
In that store FNM takes place in a huge area upstairs which also has wargaming tables etc.. The only actual store merchandise for sale up there is Games Workshop boxes and miniatures. There used to be a sales counter with the CCG's but they downsized recently and moved all of that downstairs.
So "Too busy to view the footage." could well be interpreted as "We don't have the money to put a 1k CCTV system in place upstairs so the cameras are fake. We don't want you to know this in case you start stealing old boardgames and GW minis."
I spoke to one of the staff today and they are suspicious of a creepy Cardfight! Vanguard/Force of Will/Buddyfight guy who played edh...until the theft occurred. No word of actually banning this person from the LGS though :/
Good news is we all chipped in and pimped up a Dino EDH deck for the victim of the theft...not 2k's worth but better than the Cat precon he's being forced to run ;)
Qolorful says... #2
We ought to start a go fund me for this poor sap. If that happened to me Id be devastated
October 7, 2017 8:21 a.m.