Duel Decks
General forum
Posted on Nov. 6, 2020, 12:39 a.m. by Argy
StuBi and I are on holidays at the moment, and have been playing quite a lot of Magic.
We just had a crack at the Izzet vs Golgari Duel Decks, which I purchased after the Professor recommended them.
We found them very enjoyable. Lots of things going on for both decks.
I've played a lot of Izzet decks in the past, so I loved piloting that one.
I've never played with Dredge before, and found it to be a fun mechanic, in the Golgari deck.
Both decks seem well-balanced against each other. They've been winning the same number of games.
I would highly recommend this product for casual versus play, however I would say you need to be at least an intermediate Magic player.
Some aren't as well-balanced.
Merfolk vs Goblins is atrocious.
The Duel Deck Anthology that was released are all quite balanced against each other.
November 6, 2020 3:21 a.m.
I found that most of the duel decks were playable. Luck of the draw hurts some of them like in the Knights vs Dragons set. But, it's Knights versus Dragons!
November 6, 2020 12:03 p.m.
StardustDragon11 says... #5
The problem with the Duel Decks product was that they too often were horribly unbalanced.
But they were an amazing concept. I'd love to see them revamped and rereleased with the idea of using them as a way to reprint highly inaccessible cards for formats like EDH and Legacy without putting them in Standard
November 6, 2020 1:13 p.m.
MagicMarc Knights versus Dragons is one of the better ones.
The power of the product is what we don't really have anywhere else in Magic.
The power of an assembled deck, anyway.
November 7, 2020 10:17 a.m.
StardustDragon11 says... #7
I'd reccomend cardkingdom.com's battle decks if you like duel decks. They don't have any high dollar reprints or foils but they do offer complete, fun and balanced 60 card decks for 9.99 USD.
They are an absolutle blast.
November 7, 2020 10:59 a.m.
I would like to see, maybe, with each new core set release, a set of decks that are a kind of bridge of duel, brawl, guild, planeswalker, challenger, and intro decks. Get rid of all of those.
Like the cardkingdom battle decks in spirit. Or the challenger decks, maybe.
Make it a set of 4 decks, built from sets legal in standard at the time of creation, that are like what experienced players would build using the new set if they had, say a 10 dollar budget, and were asked to build a deck introducing a new player to the new set or current Standard. Throw in a free booster pack or something collectible like a card from The List or something and along with a decently constructed deck of cards and I think they would be really popular.
November 7, 2020 4:01 p.m.
StardustDragon11 I've got three of those Card Kingdom decks.
Didn't find them balanced, or even that fun to play.
I have more fun just building my own tribal from packs I crack at prerelease and in Bundles.
Or Planeswalker decks.
They'd be good for people who don't have access to a lot of packs, and who just don't like the Planeswalker decks.
Caerwyn says... #2
I love these products, in particular how Wizards did a generally solid job at balancing each duel deck against one another so you can easily mix and match the decks without ever feeling one player is drawing the short straw. I think they are a great way to teach new players the game, and I own a fair number of them so I can introduce new players to different archetypes and strategies.
November 6, 2020 2:14 a.m.