EDH Rats?
General forum
Posted on Aug. 9, 2010, 6:29 p.m. by MetalTrsu
So I was thinking of making a EDH composed of Rats; I know the rules state you can't use relentless rats more than once. So I was wondering, what with all the rat ninja's in kamigawa, that it would build a pretty quick defense/offense, with the right cards, considering most rats are cheap.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, as well as a card that would allow me to make rat tokens?
you acctually can use relentless rats more then once in edh...the golden rule.
August 9, 2010 9:30 p.m.
There are 43 rat cards in all of Magic :D!~:
August 9, 2010 9:35 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #6
Although that would lose you the red rats like Sanity Gnawers , I think it's worth it. Marrow-Gnawer is a game-ender.
August 10, 2010 7:13 a.m.
Yeah that's who my general is going to be, I love the Kamaigawa sets and I was just looking for some suggestions as how to improve upon this, like with a token creator or something like that.
@Xander574 - No, Magic has special rules set for EDH, but I will ask the friend's I have if they'd care, considering that 'Card' overrules rules.
August 10, 2010 7:56 a.m.
read the last ruling
August 10, 2010 1 p.m.
yeah I know the ruling, that's why I don't have more than one in my deck.
August 10, 2010 1:30 p.m.
thegamemaster1234 says... #11
@MetalTrsu: Did you just say that you only have one in your deck because of the "you may have more than four of this card in a deck" rule? That doesn't make any sense. You CAN have 63x Relentless Rats , 36x Swamp , and Marrow-Gnawer as general. It won't work very well, but can be done. Ok, the ruling said Constructed, but cards aren't given Gatherer rulings for Commander/EDH games. If cards would break rules, listen to the card. It doesn't matter which format you're playing.
Suggestions for the Rat deck include: Swarmyard , Door of Destinies , perhaps Ratcatcher , and only use Relentless Rats as filler for the other cards.
January 5, 2013 2:18 p.m.
Sagu Mauler is the card the excited me most about KTR. In a slowed down Standard environment a 6 drop is no longer a Pariah sent to the ranks of the $1 rare bin. This guy is a serious workhorse. He has a big body, hexproof, trample. The morph is underwhelming, allowing him to be cast at 5cmc instead of 6cmc, but its still there. He dodges the "Dies to Doom Blade " argument, so "because Hero's Downfall " is a lousy argument here, too. He basically says, "I'm big and you can't hurt me. Now cast a board wipe or I'm going to start swinging."
Clearly I am not deluded; He isn't the "best" card I have seen from KTR, but what warrants his $1.25-ish price tag? I get that he is UG, so he isn't a splashable guy like say, Thragtusk was. Is that it? Is he too niche, or is there something else going on here that I am missing. I don't think its a "There are just better cards at the 6drop spot" thing because I don't see any for the colors he would be in.
September 24, 2014 3:59 p.m.
weisemanjohn says... #14
I see Sagu Mauler as a nice card. I wouldn't run 4 of him, but he gets work done when he hits the field. Part of the problem may lie in the fact that he is a 6 drop and really, an 8 drop if you don't consider the separation of mana. Where he would really shine is in Temur where he can be paired with Temur Ascendancy which seems quite undervalued at the moment. Add on an even scarier thought of Surrak Dragonclaw being on the field, and you have a 6/6 trample hexproof haste uncounterable charging at you that things get nasty :)
Is he good on his own? Yes, but it requires additional support for him to really shine.
September 24, 2014 4:21 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #15
Sagu Mauler will come up some I think. Could be a decent low end prospect.
September 24, 2014 4:23 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #17
I think it has potential, but it needs to prove itself in a large tournament first. It's not one of those cards that screams "I'm good, abuse me" like Thragtusk did.
I can see it being similar to Desecration Demon , not as drastic, but I can see him jumping to $5-8 a piece if he finds a home in a top-tier deck.
September 24, 2014 4:25 p.m.
Do you think standard will still be a turn 4 format after rotation? Even so, I don't think standard will keep a turn 4 format. If the next sets are on the same speed level as this set, then when the next rotation happens, it will not be a turn four as often. Anyway with green ramp, this can be dropped turn 3.
Turn 1: forest, elf
turn 2: any basic land, rattleclaw morphed,
turn 3: any basic land, tap 2 lands morph rattleclaw for rug, tap rattleclaw, tap elf, tap 3rd land cast.
September 24, 2014 4:36 p.m.
Yeh I do. Black aggro decks popping up, red aggro, tokens, and 4/4s coming t2 and t3. This formats going to stay somewhat fast.
September 24, 2014 4:39 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #20
Sagu Mauler is a solid card. Seems primed to be one of the better creature bombs this Standard.
September 24, 2014 4:50 p.m.
Drop him and swing on T3 using Elvish Mystic + Generator Servant . You'd have to get your blue mana from lands, though, and it already needs G & R. Bleh.
I like him a lot, but can't see him finding a more-than-one-of spot in any top-tier decks. I want to use him with Surrak Dragonclaw and Prophet of Kruphix , realizing that that's probably not a super-competitive plan. I just like him.
September 24, 2014 5:35 p.m.
ChiefBell has a point. I was goldfishing with the Marydu intro deck and it can get some wins by T5 on the play. Basically you need a way to get under End Hostilities from control decks. But if aggro is better than we think, we're going to see a rise in Anger of the Gods usage.
Either way, the format will sort itself out. But I've quickly figured out to bet on aggro early. So if I'm in a controlling mood, I'm leaning towards Anger of the Gods .
September 24, 2014 5:47 p.m.
So, which deck are going to kill me on T4 when I drop creatures every single turn? I played midrange all last season and it walked all over aggro. That was still pretty fast. I'm not sold on the "This guy sucks because aggro" argument. I think that the whole "Sagu Mauler is not as reasily abusable as Thragtusk " argument holds more credibility. If he becomes viable in Tier 1 decks then yea, if not I understand the price.
September 24, 2014 11:03 p.m.
Seraphicate says... #24
Sagu Mauler looks pretty nice to me, a 6/6 with trample and hexproof that has no answer minus fogs and boardwipes once it hits the field.
Doesn't bring victory on the spot, but it sure as hell helps.
September 25, 2014 9:57 a.m.
The problem is that the format in general is quite fast. A 4/4 for 3 mana is way better than a 6/6 for 6 mana. So, the various aggro decks are either going to outrace you by playing 2 creatures every turn to your 1, or the midrange decks are just going to play more efficient beats and be able to answer the mauler by double blocking. He does have an answers - blockers. And there are tons of them around. If I play two 4/4s on T6 and you play one 6/6 you're then behind. I can deal with your play if you swing in, I can swing into you and you can only block one. Tempo is really important.
He's probably a good sideboard card against midrange with a lot of removal, but the meta doesn't seem to be shaping up to focus on removal that much anyway, which is of little surprise given the lack of it in this set and all the good options we just lost. He's not good against control though because we have 5 mana wraths and counterspells still. I think the deck he's best against doesn't seem to be that big yet. At least, I haven't seen any recently that are running like 10 removal spells and only a few creatures.
September 25, 2014 10:05 a.m.
I see ChiefBell's point as to Sagu Mauler not being the best option. I assume his 4/4 for scenario is referring to Savage Knuckleblade ? That's a legit play because I do see Knuckleblad being a heavily played card for those that decide to play Temur in any way shape or form. T1 Elvish Mystic , T2 Sylvan Caryatid , T3 Polukranos, World Eater , T4 Arbor Colossus , T5 Sagu Mauler certainly would wind up on the losing side of the same plays with a T5 2xSavage Knuckleblade .I wll probably run this guy anyway and see what he can do for me. After all...it's only Standard play, right?
September 25, 2014 4:09 p.m.
Siege Rhino and any 2-drop 2/2 would do fine, because it gives you 7 toughness.
Butcher of the Horde and any 2-drop with three toughness would do fine, because again you get 7 toughness.
Bear's Companion answers it for 1 less mana.
Rakshasa Deathdealer trades with it after you invest only BBGG, if you spend another BG it also doesn't die.
Wingmate Roc answers it for 5.
There are lots of cards that answer it for less mana.
September 25, 2014 5:34 p.m.
I actually really like the morph on him. Ina heavy morph simic deck it can really mix things up. If you have the mana open, does your opponent want to try to Hero's Downfall your morphed creature if they know you have Sagu Mauler in the deck? It adds protection to your other morphers or lets you counter a removal spell or enchantment. And, they can't respond to your morph, so this guy can be saved with 5 mana from being targeted and you don't have to worry about you going to "activate" morph and them killing it in response.
I've pre-ordered a few myself and will likely be running a few. It's not a terribly wasted draw to have one in opening hand like other 6 drops would be due to the morph.
MetalTrsu says... #2
I know someone out there has some advice....
August 9, 2010 9:02 p.m.