Favorite MTG Set (Newer)

General forum

Posted on Aug. 28, 2022, 2:42 a.m. by Necrosis24

Recently I've been thinking about collecting draft boosters to crack years down the line just for a fun experience, and it got me wondering which sets would even be worth collecting in terms of enjoyment (Not monetarily).

So in the past few years, from among the standard draft sets, which sets have been your favorites. Either drafting, just cracking packs, etc.

  • Streets of New Capenna
  • Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
  • Innistrad: Crimson Vow
  • Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
  • Adventures in the Forgotten Realm
  • Strixhaven: School of Mages
  • Kaldheim
  • Zendikar Rising
  • Core Set 2021
  • Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths
  • Theros: Beyond Death
  • Throne of Eldraine
  • Core 2020
  • War of the Spark
  • Ravnica Allegience
  • Guilds of Ravnica
  • Core Set 2019
  • Dominaria
  • Rivals of Ixalan

wallisface says... #2

For me Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty has been the most fun I've ever had drafting a set.

August 28, 2022 3:30 a.m.

Balaam__ says... #3

I’d have to go with the original Dominaria.

August 28, 2022 10:24 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #4

My favorites have been Kaldheim and Kamigawa. Just for cracking packs a few years from now, I'd vote Dominaria for the nostalgia, War of the Spark for the "WOW" factor and Throne of Eldraine for the "This set was stupidly OP" factor.

August 28, 2022 12:07 p.m.

Niko9 says... #5

I loved Rivals of Ixalan in draft because it felt like classic magic. There were some powerful cards, but most things in the set felt like they could play fairly with the older sets that I love. I know that most people see this as a major downside, but I play a lot of 60 card casual multiplayer and Rivals added a breath of fresh air to old decks. Most new sets add cards the strictly replace the classic magic cards, but Rivals was one that you could slot in with nostalgic cards. Plus, I mean, dinosaurs and pirates in a unique and flavorful setting was just so great : )

August 28, 2022 12:41 p.m.

Icbrgr says... #6

I think I personally would love to draft packs from the D&D Adventures in the Forgotten Realm set years from now as a revisit/redo... i hated on the set when it was announced but when it was released and i actually played with some of it on Arena id be a liar if i said i didnt have a blast with it.

August 28, 2022 1:41 p.m.

DeinoStinkus says... #7

I still have to stick with War of the Spark as my favorite set. It has such a fun draft setting in my opinion (if you look at my drafts, I sometimes go on drafting sprees of WAR just for fun), and its cards are often powerful yet contained within a certain limit. There were no Okos in this set (although both Karn and Narset proved powerful enough for Vintage).

And the story... I know Greg Weisman's take on it gets a lot of flak for being kinda bad, but the story is better told, at least in my opinion, within the cards themselves. Little things, like Battlefield Promotion being tied to Tenth District Legionnaire, or the incredible grief portrayed in Rising Populace. Plus, it wrapped up a complex arc in a grand and emotionally investing way.

The cycles were all interesting and unique, and it introduced static-ability and non-mythic planeswalkers, which both had a big effect on the game in their own ways. Amass, while an incredibly limited mechanic in scope, was incredibly cool and unique.

Sorry, I get a little long-winded when explaining why it's my favorite set.

Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty is my second favorite from recent years.

August 28, 2022 4:58 p.m.

TypicalTimmy says... #8

Considering I have now made not one, but two, Commander decks from Forgotten Realms / Commander Legends... I'd say those.

August 28, 2022 7:59 p.m.

Unlife says... #9

Ixalan and Ikoria

August 28, 2022 9:36 p.m.

Abaques says... #10


August 28, 2022 11:06 p.m.

TheJerryCan says... #11

For me it’s gotta be ikoria it’s just such a cool fun set to play

September 1, 2022 7:28 p.m.

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