Favorite MTG Shows
General forum
Posted on Oct. 12, 2022, 7:16 p.m. by Niko9
So, I stumbled on the CardMarket youtube channel the other day and have been really enjoying their videos. They have a fun blend of casual cardboard magic with interesting twists on games, like no banlist, or modern without any modern horizons, which was really neat to see what older modern decks would look like with a few great new cards filtered in. All in all, their vids really seem like friends playing magic, no real ad interruptions (I mean, technically the whole thing is an ad, but that almost kinda weirdly helps) and just a wonderful vibe of magic for fun's sake.
Not to ramble too much, sorry : ) but it made me wonder what everyone's favorite magic channels are, mostly because I was watching this one and thinking, how have I not stumbled on this before? I'd love to hear people's, I don't know, top 5? Top 3? Whatever : ) in no particular order, just to hear what's good. Mine might look something like:
Tolarian Community College- prof is legitimately always good and that's so rare
Quest For the Janklord- Love me some jank and I really enjoy the show
Strictly Better MTG- Dev is awesome
Meryn MTG- She plays some really creative decks
CardMarket Magic Gameplay done perfectly : )
Nice, I will have to check out Magic_Aids, I haven't heard of the show but the decks look fun.
And yep, Nikachu is fun. I haven't seen a lot of it, but seems like a good time, and merfolk are objectively cool : )
October 12, 2022 8:28 p.m.
DeinoStinkus says... #5
Nizzahon is one of my favorites to binge, as someone who appreciates how certain abilities and aspects of cards play into more competitive scenes.
Spice8Rack is one of my favorites in terms of energy. The guy's insane, and I love him for it. Polar opposite to the chill Nizzahon.
There's also something about Brewer's Kitchen that is appealing, so sue me. I love my stupid combos, leave me alone!
October 12, 2022 9:03 p.m.
Squee_Spirit_Guide says... #6
I didn't know CardMarket did videos like that, I'm going to have to check it out!
Apart from what's already been mentioned, I really like the Pre-Prereleases that Loading Ready Run does. It's the same feel of friends playing Magic. The Unfinity one was a lot of fun!
October 12, 2022 9:11 p.m.
Squee_Spirit_Guide Oh I need to check that out : ) LRR slipped my mind but they are always great.
October 12, 2022 9:20 p.m.
I have a bias toward MTGGoldfish and LoadingReadyRun, just due to the excellent courtesy of their personalities.
October 12, 2022 9:34 p.m.
Grubbernaut says... #9
8thplacedave, evar0s, harrymtg, and Rhystic Studies are all excellent.
October 12, 2022 10:30 p.m.
wallisface says... #10
Oh yeah i’d forgot to mention Rhystic Studies, but his videos are nothing-short of amazing. The amount of care the guy clearly puts into his work is great. 10/10 content
October 12, 2022 10:55 p.m.
For podcasts, it has to be MTG Goldfish’s Commander Clash Podcast. So many longform Commander content just turn into echo chambers (looking at you Command Zone) and I really like how everyone on Commander Clash brings a very unique perspective to the topic. EDHRecast is a solid second for me.
Magic The Noah is a great channel for goofy weirdness and meme decks.
Of course, it’s really hard to beat Rhystic Studies and Spice8rack for channels that use MTG concepts as a language to dissect and explore much larger topics.
I think One More Mana is one of the most underrated channels out there for Commander. Again, the hosts all have very different opinions and perspectives and bring a casual, loving mindset that’s refreshing. The banter alone is worth subscribing for.
As an aside, there is one host for CardMarket who I am convinced is an exact Jimmy Fallon clone that escaped NBC and just happened to find an incredible passion for MTG.
October 13, 2022 3:07 a.m.
Some really great suggestions, and some that I had no idea about. Such awesome suggestions everyone : )
EnbyGolem I haven't noticed the Jimmy Fallon clone yet, but now I'm going to be on the look out : ) Toffel and Carl both have such an infectious love for the game and I really enjoy their ones. And staple or stinker is great, just to see a YGO player be like, uggh, why is goyf good? What is fail to find?
Oh and I forgot some great cEDH channels in Rebbel Son and cEDHTV. I don't play cEDH, but it's so much more fun to watch than casual, for me anyways. Watching like 5 turns of people ramping just isn't good, and I feel like due to the length of casual games a lot of them free mulligan to perfect hands so they don't record duds. But Rebbel is just so fun and interesting, and Mons at cEDHTV has probably my favorite magic breakdowns. He really takes you through the whole process, in brewing and in game, and it makes me appreciate cEDH way more.
October 13, 2022 7:34 a.m.
Dead_Blue_ says... #14
I like Meryn MTG she actually explains what’s going on in her match videos
October 13, 2022 11:49 p.m.
plakjekaas says... #15
MaxMakesMagic's shorts about "Weird things you can do in Magic: the Gathering" are some gems
October 14, 2022 5:44 a.m.
Mtggoldfish commander Nizzahon Sbmtg Edh deckbuilding Aether hub Few others I'm forgetting
wallisface says... #2
I think Magic_Aids Youtube channel has to be one if my absolute favourites - his videos pack some interesting brewing ideas, and most of the time his content is in my format-of-choice (modern).
AspiringSpike is another good content creator also - he has some really well reasoned reasoning behind his Deck-building decisions
October 12, 2022 8:02 p.m.