Favorite pulls you've had
General forum
Posted on Oct. 12, 2022, 11:26 p.m. by TypicalTimmy
Have you ever had a pack where you open it and your heart just skips a beat, because you pulled something you've been wanting or were completely not expecting?
The reason I am asking is because Facebook sent me a notification that today, seven years ago on 10/12/2015 I pulled a Savage Ventmaw. This was a few months after I began playing.
Never heard of the card before. So I posted a picture of it and captioned it with:
- "Bought a booster pack when I went shopping today and got this beast of a card in it. Ironically, I literally just built a RG deck last night all about slamming down instant and sorcery damage on red, and raising armies on green. Oh, sweet god this is gonna be great."
Long time friends and followers of mine on here know how much Savage Ventmaw means to me, and I can't believe I actually have that moment immortalized on Facebook.
Genuinely brought back some old, happy memories of sitting in Steak & Shake and / or IHOP after work with my friends, learning the game and playing after a long 3rd shift in a factory.
Do you have any cards like that? Memorable pulls, that mean something to you?
Two stories. The first one isn't quite mine, but I was involved. One of my friends, big on the Cult of Rakdos, was looking for a Rakdos, Lord of Riots when Return to Ravnica was fresh and new. I grab a pack to pass over to him, but then decide, no, the next pack would be better. Not really a feeling, just, like, that's going to be a better pack. I jokingly say that that's going to be the Rakdos pack, because it's like a 1% chance to pull a specific mythic rare in that set. So we buy our packs and crack them, and lo and behold, Lord Rakdos was in the back of the pack I got for him.
It wasn't like a prediction or anything. It was just, no, let's grab the second pack instead.
The second story is pretty simple. It's 2009, and Mythic Rare cards had just been introduced. I'm enjoying the world, mechanics, and multi-coloredness of Alara, and I grab a handful of packs. I like to go through packs back to front, saving the rare for last. In the back of one of my packs, there's a big pile of mana symbols, and it took a minute for me to fully grasp that I just pulled my first mythic. That's part of why Alara is my favorite plane to date.
October 13, 2022 12:23 a.m.
plakjekaas says... #4
Game day Core Set 2019: prizes at my local GameStore were in booster credit; we were allowed to ask for standard-legal boosters that were still in print. Jokingly I said: what's the most expensive card in standard right now? Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, right? I'll have a DOM booster (I only won one).
The person next to me was like: oh, good call, I'll have one of those too. He opened his booster first: rare slot, gold card, 5 mana... Shoot! Oath of Teferi, so close!
I slowly scroll through my pack, card by card, and actually dropped the stack of cards on the counter when I actually managed to pull the Teferi from my pack!
I have never been able to call my openings like that, and I'm afraid I never will again '^^
October 13, 2022 7:26 a.m.
When I was first getting into magic during Stronghold, I was so excited about pulling Warrior Angel. Nevermind that I had pulled, at this point, multiple Mox Diamond and Sliver Queen, I just loved the art on warrior angel and it felt like the next step in Serra Angel that I was playing. In retrospect it is a little silly, but this was a different time. Masticore was the most broken thing around, and I even remember a magazine at the time that had the top 10 cards from Stronghold and Shard Phoenix was number 1. So I may have been in the dark, but we were all in the dark : ) And to this day Warrior Angel just my be my favorite card ever.
October 13, 2022 7:49 a.m.
My LGS ran a commander boxing league (build your initial deck with cards from one booster box, then add six packs of another set to your pool each week) so I bought their last box of War of the Spark, which was a Japanese one, and got the Niv-Mizzet Reborn I was hoping for and a Japanese alt art Lilliana too. That was a good box.
October 13, 2022 10:56 a.m.
plakjekaas I have a similar story about that card! My brother got me the DOM Chandra Planeswalker deck for my birthday a few years ago. I joking said "Wouldn't it be crazy if one of the packs from this deck had Teferi, Hero of Dominaria?"... and it did! lol
The times I opened a foil, borderless Wrenn and Seven after again saying "Wouldn't it be crazy if...", the Amonkhet Invocation of Shatterstorm because Invocations are SO COOL and when I got a random three-pack of MH1 from Amazon that had Wrenn and Six, Fiery Islet and some other random sliver or something.
(Slightly off-topic, but I think my actual favorite pulls are from Flesh and Blood. My first two boxes of Uprising got me 2x rainbow foil Crown of Providence AND a cold foil one!)
October 13, 2022 12:37 p.m. Edited.
I split a box of Stronghold with a friend back in the day and I was super excited when I pulled a Sliver Queen. I loved slivers and have a (very casual) sliver deck and I was super pumped to haven gotten their queen.
October 13, 2022 1:04 p.m.
Metroid_Hybrid says... #9
One time several years ago, I went into a Rite Aid that I had never been in to get something to drink. Near the register was a couple booster packs of Oath of the Gatewatch. Which I found strange, because I'm pretty sure the current set out at the time was Kaladesh.
So I decided to grab one... and when I opened it, I don't remember the Uncommons & Rare being any good. But, I do remember my disappointment instantly being inverted when the card behind the Rare was an Expedition Godless Shrine!!!
Probably the 2nd or 3rd most expensive card I've ever pulled out of a booster pack. On top of that, it was from a single pack, and it was from such a random source "out in the wild" —so to speak...
October 13, 2022 2:34 p.m.
Squee_Spirit_Guide says... #10
Great thread! There have been so many memorable pulls over the years, for one reason or another. One of the coolest was a foil Two-Headed Dragon from a single pack of Mercadian Masques I picked up while travelling.
October 13, 2022 7:53 p.m.
DeinoStinkus says... #11
My top three packs had to have been these:
Pulling Murderous Rider, Nyx Lotus, Liliana, Waker of the Dead, and Bonders' Enclave in quick succession. I had just picked up one of each pack from their respective sets to increase my card pool of recent cards. Granted, these obviously aren't the best cards, but they were all pretty good cards from their home sets and I was happy to see them. They still all have happy homes in some of my best decks.
Pulling a borderless Pathway, a Zendikar Resurgent, and a foil Skyclave Relic from the same ZNR pack.
My favorite pack of all time (and my second most expensive I believe, after the one that gave me Finale of Devastation) was an Ixalan booster pack I bought on a whim to play a silly two-pack draft with my little brother. I ended up pulling a Vraska, Relic Seeker AND a foil Search for Azcanta Flip. By far the most jaw-dropping moment I've ever had in MTG.
Though an honorable mention would have to be the time I pulled an Enter the God-Eternals in draft. I was super hyped about that card from all the Draft YouTube videos I had watched, and I was thrilled to show my brother that I had gotten one of the sickest cards in the set.
October 13, 2022 9:05 p.m.
Crockosneef says... #12
Angrath, the Flame-Chained was my first ever planeswalker pull, I remember it fondly. I liked the idea of planeswalkers but couldn't pull any because they were at such high rarity, and the fact that I got one of the really cool-looking nonhumanoid ones was super exciting. My friend and I really liked Angrath's design ever since I saw the Ixalan version of Hijack, and we were kind of gushing over him together, so I was really happy to see him in my pulls. I ended up buying a decent amount of boosters from War of the Spark for this exact reason, I just think planeswalkers are neat.
TypicalTimmy says... #2
I remember, also, that when Ixalan came out, I basically overdosed on excitement with the announcement of a Minotaur Planeswalker, since they are my favorite tribe. Angrath, Minotaur Pirate was the face card for the precon Standard deck of that time.
My friends and I were joking about how awesome would it be if I pulled Angrath, the Flame-Chained from one of the two booster packs that the decks came with.
Sure as shit, in the 2nd pack, the last card was indeed Angrath, the Flame-Chained. To say I lost my freaking mind is an understatement.
I don't know, maybe it's just me being a Timmy. But I get super excited over cards others deem as "hot garbage" all the time. Because for me, it's not about winning. It's about playing the game.
I actually just lost two games in a row, to a coworker who wants to learn the game. And it's not as though I threw the matches, either. He picked up very quickly and was using the Dihada, Binder of Wills precon deck. Though, to be fair, he had a T2 Traxos, Scourge of Kroog the first game thanks to a Sol Ring, and then the second game he got out a T3 Verrak, Warped Sengir. Now Verrak isn't in the decklist, but when he bought the precon this was one of the cards in the little 2-card booster pack. That, along with Dihada and Arvad the Cursed was brutal.
And how could I forget, I pulled FIVE Tiamat! :D haha
October 12, 2022 11:37 p.m. Edited.