FBB Black Lotus?
General forum
Posted on May 26, 2018, 6:59 p.m. by Biismuth
When I was young, I played sometimes with magic card of my dad, looked at them and tried to understand the rules. I can remember now a card that I had in my hand and found it realy bad because it "only" give mana and isn't a big creature, and I'm not sure but I think that maybe this card was a Black Lotus. I start playing magic recently, so I try to find my dad's cards, but unfortunately, I didn't find all the card, and sometimes I discover a card somewhere in my house. I know that all the collection is french black border card. But among all the card I recover, guess what, no Black Lotus. So I want to know, did the Black Lotus reprint in FBB or not? Because when I searched some picture of Black Lotus, I saw no picture of a FBB one. So, does it worth to search this card on my house or it's just my bad memories, and Black Lotus in FBB was never print?
pskinn01 says... #2
No. Foreign black bordered revised was first set printed in non English. And black lotus was not in revised set. Probably was a Sol Ring.
May 26, 2018 7:22 p.m. Edited.