First booster crack

General forum

Posted on Aug. 15, 2017, 1:03 a.m. by Dvzlion-o

Hey guys!

So I have been out of MTG for years now and even when I played in middle school I only used borrowed decks since I couldn't afford my own cards.

Well today I felt inspired to get back into it after playing the iOS game for a little while. I decided to crack open an Hour of Devastation booster to see if anything caught my eye.

Lo and behold the first card I see is a mythic Scarab God and boy does it look awesome. I check it out online and apparently in a zombie standard deck it holds its own. People are shelling out $25 plus for him.

Pretty excited to get back in the circle and this only serves to field that enthusiasm

flaminghome says... #2

Hey! That's great to here, although I'm more partial to The Locust God, it's still nice to have incentive to return. I feel the struggle though...I used to have to ask my friends to make me decks because I just didn't have the ability to get my own cards.

August 15, 2017 2:20 a.m.

Moonbar says... #3

Dude, that's sweet! Keep playing!

August 15, 2017 2:50 a.m.

linky00 says... #4

Oh my God this just made my day thank you :)

August 15, 2017 4:11 p.m.

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