Golos Alters pls
General forum
Posted on Oct. 26, 2021, 5:54 p.m. by tonylomas
Is this the right place? is there a place in this site to look for Golos alters? if so ! gimme all the alters you got, only one rule : NO background change alters or characters that are not Golos, i need full alters with the actual Golos. For example theres an alter with him playing a flute, etc. Stuff like that.
TypicalTimmy says... #3
Here is Tappedout's Golos alters page, but about 1/2 appear to be broken now and the rest don't quite match what you're looking for.
I found this image on Bing, because I prefer Bing over Google.
This alter isn't a card alter, but a sleeve alter you can buy Here
Here are a few more.
Unfortunately it does not appear that Golos is a popular candidate for changing his actual appearance; People prefer to change where he is wandering off to. Unlike Liliana of the Veil who has quite a few PG-13, R and X rated alters. Not that I would know... o_o"
Omniscience_is_life says... #2
You can find alters by clicking the folder icon on the top right of the page and hitting "alters", then searching Golos' name.
October 26, 2021 7:10 p.m.