Gone since just before Aether Revolt, looking to get back into MTG?
General forum
Posted on June 12, 2017, 3:51 p.m. by Minelia5
Hi everyone,
Around a year ago, I was very active on this site. However, stepping up into sophomore year in high school, I became much busier, and unfortunately had absolutely no time for magic. I really want to get back into the game over the summer, but I don't know where to start. I've missed from Aether Revolt forwards (I was here during Kaladesh however). I will have a job over the summer which I hope to support my MTG return with.
Does anyone have any advice for me on how to come back? I feel like I've missed so much, and will have a huge time commitment just to get back to where I was.
Currently, I have a modern infect deck, not quite up to date, but very close, as well as a Mimeoplasm commander deck. However, my favorite formats are standard and modern.
Absolutely any advice is welcome, be it deck ideas, research ideas, or even a summary of what's happened since Aether revolt.
Thanks, and see you around the site,
Thank you so much clayperce! I'm planning on doing a fair amount of limited over the summer, and seeing how the sets progress now that you've said that. Thank you for warning me about the impending rotation, I was clueless. I think I'll avoid standard until after rotation, and if I don't like what I see, perhaps stick to modern, limited, and commander. Again, thank you so much for your comment, it was very helpful! Already back to being excited by spoilers :)
June 12, 2017 4:38 p.m.
I've played heaps of Amonkhet Sealed and I can say that it's the BEST set I've ever played in Limited.
There are just so many different decks you can build, and they all work.
All the abilities are useful, even stuff like brick counters.
The Planeswalkers are great, the Gods are fun, Exert and -1/-1 counters are effective.
I would suggest that you just draft the hell out of this set, to get some decent cards and have some fun.
Then, when Hour of Devastation drops, you will be able to start building the bones of a deck with cards that won't rotate out.
June 13, 2017 9:52 a.m.
Oh derp. Just realized I typed AER above, when I meant AKH.
Edit: "... haven't drafted Amonkhet personally ... moving from AKH Draft/Sealed into AKH*+HOU ..."
clayperce says... #2
Welcome back!
Getting back into Modern is going to be expensive, because Infect is unfortunately in a horrible place in the meta right now due to the addition of Fatal Push and the banning of Gitaxian Probe. The only silver lining IMO is that NOBODY is packing sideboard hate now!
The timing is potentially kind of awkward for Standard as well ... Hour of Devastation spoilers start Friday and it releases July 14th, so investing in and learning a new deck is kind of rough, since the meta will change again soon. Also, a TON of cards are rotating out in September, so depending on what you already have, you may not want to invest in anything from BFZ, OGW, SOI, or EMN either.
So, hmmm. Have you tried Limited? I haven't drafted Aether Revolt personally, but from everything I hear, it's one of the best sets for Limited ever. Plus, moving from AER Draft/Sealed into AER+HOU would be pretty easy.
One more thought though, if you would much rather do Standard: If you enjoyed Infect, RG Electrostatic Pummeler plays a lot like it. I actually went the other way around ... playing Pummeler in KLD Standard and then moving into Infect. It's an inexpensive deck, and in a really good place in the meta (for now anyways ... if Walking Ballista comes back in any numbers that could change quickly). I recommend starting with the All Things Pummeler thread if you want more info.
Finally, I find the meta pages at MTGgoldfish a great quick overview of where the meta is now. Here's the Standard one and here's Modern.
Good luck (and good skill) on your return!
June 12, 2017 4:20 p.m. Edited.