Goodbye tappedout
General forum
Posted on Sept. 7, 2020, 4:21 a.m. by Vash13
Well the time has finally come I have to give in to the internet bullys and just cant take the negativity any more... yeaGO sir you have created a well designed site that I enjoyed for organizing my deck for quite some time however when I tried to become part of the community I found very quickly that if I didn't lick the right boots then I would be shunned and ridiculed tho there have been others one in specific has been Caerwyn whom I possed a dissenting opinion to his/her views on a political mater months ago and they had no logical retort and proceeded to ridicule my grammar and have taken the chance to belittle me at every turn they can, I cannot be apart of a site that allows a bully like this to be an admin that is totally inappropriate. I do find myself sad to go a little tho I have chatted with many friendly people on here but to many others suddenly become hostile when I'm not kissing their ass and start making fun of things I say or making smug comments in a pretense of being "calm" strictly to set me off and make me look like the aggressor, I wont stand for this anymore this attitude has become to prevalent, when I was younger I could never play magic because being a "jock" these same type of people were always there to try and make me feel inferior in some way because they had such low self esteem and now it greatly saddens me that in adulthood here are those same people to try and force me out of a game I enjoy, so thank you to anyone who has been kind and welcoming but all the rude selfish people that just come on here to feel superior have worn me out, I'll be moving over to "archideckt" over the next day or two, I'm sure no one really cares but this was bothering me so much I felt I had to get it out since as I stated in a previous post I'm a direct person who cant stand hiding in the shadows or letting sneaky snide smug people just get away with being so unnecessarily rude to people that aren't just like them, I try to embrace all facets of society but when a specific one rejects me over and over I cant help but be bitter, so sorry bout the rant if any actually reads this and goodbye to all the good people on here, I wish all of the good ones well :)
Vash13 someday you will realize that you give the power to others on how they affect you. Not being mean just honest.
September 7, 2020 7:11 a.m.
GhostChieftain says... #4
Farewell. I hope you can in the future learn to channel your anger in a more constructive manner.
September 7, 2020 10:27 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #5
From what I was reading, you were the aggressor. Everyone was responding to you in a tactful manner. Disagreeing with your stance on a subject and pointing out its flaws is not "bullying" you. You asked a question and people responded. At the end of the day this is a forum/site dedicated to a card game. All arguments are about cardboard. I wish you the best of luck on other sites/forums. Though it would of been interesting to see you grow and change how you conduct yourself; just a few weeks ago we had some members at odds over something trivial like a new format and they got over it and seem to have become friends. No one is asking you to like or kiss an admins ass; just afford them the same respect they show you. Most other gaming communities would just hard ban you for telling an admin to "fuck off".
September 7, 2020 12:12 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #6
I’m just gonna point out the irony of calling Deino a “liberal leftist fuck” or something like that and then you vacating the site due to “bullies.”
Go find a new safe space, snowflake.
September 7, 2020 12:23 p.m.
Alright, I'm going to lock this thread as this just seems like one last middle finger before you go.
As a general rule (and to all the users of TappedOut), please remember to treat each other with some sembalance of respect. Just because people have differing opinions does not mean that they are not people. And even if somebody is acting poorly, you can still strive to be better.
If anybody wants to wish Vash13 goodbye (that's best wishes, not continuing squabbles) then please comment on their wall.
DragonSliver9001 says... #2
nobody will miss you. you really haven't a clue what you're talking about. are you 12?
September 7, 2020 4:27 a.m.