Greek/Theran Deity Parallels
General forum
Posted on Sept. 15, 2016, 1:16 a.m. by DemonDragonJ
Since Theros was inspired by Greek mythology, it is natural that the Theran deities would be inspired by Greek deities, so I wish to draw parallels between the two pantheons, and compare each Theran deity to the Greek deity after whom they are modeled.
-Heliod: Zeus and Helios
-Erebos: Hades
-Purphoros: Hephaestus, possibly with minor aspects of Ares
-Thassa: Poseidon
-Nylea: Artemis
-Athreos: Charon (who was not actually a deity in Greek mythology, but merely the courier of souls from the world of the living to the world of the dead)
-Ephara: Athena
-Iroas and Mogis: Ares
-Karametra: Demeter
-Keranos: Zeus
-Xenagos: Dionysus
-Kruphix, Pharika, and Phenax do not seem to be based off any deities from Greek mythology, but rather were invented by WotC.
What does everyone else say about this? Which Greek deities are the Theran deities modeled after?
ChiefBell says... #2
Iroas is athena.
Thassa is thalassa
Phenax is probably apate? Maybe.
Im not sure Ephara is totally Athena but has parts of athena.
Anyway Maro stated that they chopped and changed and mixed all the gods so none of them are 1 to 1 overlaps.
September 15, 2016 2:08 p.m.