Grim Feast/Toxic Deluge

General forum

Posted on Feb. 8, 2019, 8:55 a.m. by Dango

This may sound stupid, but I can't find any ruling on Grim Feast 's interaction with something like Toxic Deluge setting creatures' toughness to zero. My question is, what toughness does Grim Feast see when the creature dies from having its toughness set to or below zero? I'm afraid that I wouldn't gain any life off of Feast, but I wasn't entirely sure if Feast sees zero toughness or if it sees the toughness on the face of the card when it dies. Whichever the case, this may heavily influence whether or not Grim Feast warrants a slot in my meta.

I look forward to hearing back about this clarification, thank you!

Caerwyn says... #2

Grim Feast and other cards like it look back in time to how the creature existed when it was on the battlefield. The easiest way to conceptualize this-- Grim Feast looks at that particular creature's toughness, while the card in the graveyard is a different entity.

I presume you posted in this section due to the Rules Q&A section currently having some technical issues. I'll try to remember to move this thread once Rules Q&A is working again so Grim Feast 's card page will link to the thread in case anyone else has the same question.

February 8, 2019 9:05 a.m.

Dango says... #3

cdkime thank you for the quick response! I apologize for posting this in the General forum. I haven't started a thread of my own before, so I must have overlooked the Rules Q&A section. I'll remember that in the future. :)

I'm really just looking for some incidental/residual lifegain for my Tasigur control deck because my meta is fairly creature heavy and I tend to take the brunt of the combat step whether that's intended or not, but I believe that would make for a good forum discussion in the Commander Deck Help section.

Thanks again for the clarification, I thought that may have been the case but I wasn't too sure. Back to the drawing board!

February 8, 2019 9:20 a.m.

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