help: abusing the new gideon (amonkhet)
General forum
Posted on April 18, 2017, 12:16 a.m. by oliveoilonyaasscureshemorrhoid
Regarding Gideon of the Trials in the new Amonkhet set, how can we maximize this last/ ultimate ability? So far, I have Avacyn, Angel of Hope/ Sigarda, Host of Herons/ Privileged Position/ Leyline of Sanctity/ Peacekeeper. So, he can't be destroyed, sacrificed, targeted by spells or abilities, chosen to take damage instead of player, or damaged in combat. However, I can't get around Thief of Blood and mass exile, like Perilous Vault. Any ideas?
Best way to abuse his emblem is to run multiple Gideons. This helps if you ever don't get the certain cards to prevent certain ways to get rid of Gideon.
As for Thief of Blood and Perilous Vault, it's extremely hard to deal with those unless you're running blue. You may want to splash it if you find yourself going against those cards.
But I highly recommend looking at a cool EDH deck that abuses Gideon's emblem to survive without going overboard on keeping him on board: A Taste Of Mortality.
April 18, 2017 7:38 a.m.
JerichoDarkstar says... #4
One very efficient way to abuse him is to use cards that have amazing effects, but would cause you to lose the game. Thanks to his Emblem, you won't, and get to use the cards unrestricted.
The new Glorious End stops everything they have on the stack and can end combat AFTER they have declared attackers (i.e: tapped all their creatures).
Using Pact of Negation is hilarious because you would literally be countering their spells for free.
Summoner's Pact lets you tutor a creature for free and Slaughter Pact is instant speed removal for free.
EDIT: I also just remembered Demonic Pact. Just choose "you lose the game" first so you don't have to worry about it, then enjoy the other modes even if Gideon of the Trials is removed.
April 18, 2017 10:19 a.m. Edited.
Ghostway or Eerie Interlude can stop mass exile, as long as Gideon is a creature.
DarkMagician says... #2
Counter spells
April 18, 2017 2:24 a.m.