Help! Uploading inventory error: Line 28: Printing not found

General forum

Posted on Aug. 19, 2019, 12:41 p.m. by thechristophershow

Hey, everyone. I'm trying to upload a CSV of my inventory, and I keep getting this error message: "Line 28: Printing not found."

I don't know what this means. I went to Line 28 of my CSV, and there's nothing wrong with it. There's no Printing column at all, first of all, so how can there be an error in it?

The column options I have on the TappedOut upload page are this:

Qty column: 1 Card column: 2 Set name column: 3

The first four columns of Line 28 in my CSV are these:

4 | Ajani's Pridemate | M15 | English

I have a blank space along the very top of each column (so the columns don't specify Name or Set or anything like that), but I only did this after I was getting the error message. I was getting the same message before and after I deleted the column names, so that can't be the issue.

Another weird thing is that if I delete Line 28 entirely so that everything after it gets shifted up one, the error then moves to Line 27, with the same error message: "Line 27: Printing not found."

What's going on here?

Well, I don't know what that error was, but I clicked on "Ignore errors," and the Ajani's Pridemate that was in Line 28 (the line with errors) does show up in my inventory, so it uploaded successfully. Still curious what that error is, though.

August 19, 2019 1:09 p.m.

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