How are people NOT tired of playing mono red on Arena?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 22, 2020, 2:07 a.m. by skoobysnackz
I literally just played against 5 mono red decks in a row on Arena. Enough is enough, I just don't understand how that deck is so popular. It's like people have no originality anymore. Mono red isn't even that good so why do people keep playing it exclusively? I get that its an inexpensive deck on arena, but after playing it for three whole sets in a row I would expect that some people would drift away from the most linear deck in standard, yet this doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe I'm alone here, but some variety in the games would be nice...
I think its because of the grind.... like people spend or have already spent their wild cards on key red cards already a d its easiest to just maintain what they have rather than start a new deck in Different colors.... especially people who aren't exactly familiar or successful at homebrewing... it sucks sinking all your grind/wild cards I to a deck that just doesn't work/can't win.
January 22, 2020 9:31 a.m.
It's the grind, I am one of those that maintains a mono red deck to jump on and grind out my weekly and dailies as needed (if my other deck isn't getting the numbers for the day I can at least get 2-3 games in before bed to grab the gold and xp for the day). I would rather play a different deck most the time but I don't always have the time for the longer games if I'm trying to get my gold or xp… gold = drafts after all.
January 22, 2020 10:25 a.m.
Red deck wins is usually cheap, easy to learn and tend to be good/good enough. If you playing for any type of rewards, winning becomes more of a priority for most people.
January 22, 2020 2:15 p.m.
PepsiAddicted says... #6
the above.
and RDW will always be part of all competitive metas. variety waits in casual formats.
January 23, 2020 8:42 a.m. Edited.
DRmagic2017 says... #7
That's why I prefer Brawl on Arena. (goes to Arena, waits for the first match, the opponent - Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, "Oh noooo!")
January 23, 2020 9:15 a.m.
DRmagic2017, too bad it's one day a week or you have to pay 10000 gold to play for a month with no prize. I would pay again (I did pay last round) if it was multi player but 1v1 it's just like any other format with just some tweaked rules.
January 23, 2020 10:07 a.m.
Deadpoo111 says... #9
I mean... I kind of find them fun to play. Like dealing damage is very satisfying, and with oko out standard is a lot faster with mono red. But also, like it's a really fun deck to pilot, have you tried it OP?
January 24, 2020 12:15 p.m.
skoobysnackz says... #10
Deadpoo111, I played it almost exclusively for a month and got tired of winning or loosing by turn 3 every single game. I don't find the linearity of that deck satisfying at all actually. I guess different people have different play-styles and that's okay, I'm just a little tired of playing against the same deck like 40% of the time.
January 24, 2020 1:44 p.m.
Playing the same deck is super frustrating after a while but I'm not sure I'll ever fully get over the frustration I feel in participating in a draft on Arena and then playing 2 or 3 "mirror matches" in the event.
Boza says... #2
The arena rewards system is part of the reason - if you get 15 wins in a week, you get "full rewards" for the week. That means quick and easy games that can be done in 5 minutes are rewarded. Otherwise, the monored deck can be built with 0 rares or mythics, meaning you save on wildcards for other decks.
January 22, 2020 4:17 a.m.