How did this deck get so many views overnight?
General forum
Posted on Feb. 3, 2019, 2:53 p.m. by hungry000
So, this deck I made a few days ago somehow got literally 1500 views overnight, and I'm really not sure how. Like, seriously. It had 150ish last night, and I came back to it after church this morning and it now has 1600. I'm not complaining, but does anyone happen to know how it happened? Did I break the cycle button somehow? Did someone post a video of it?
The deck in question:
A wild PTERARAT appeared!
Edit: Now that I read this post again, it sounds like a clickbaity ad whose ultimate goal is to hook in more views. If that thought crossed your mind, I assure you that wasn't the intention and that I really was wondering about this.
hungry000 says... #2
Alright, seems like I've found the answer, so this thread can be closed. There was a reddit post that asked for a list for a deck they ran into that was playing Training Grounds, Biomancer's Familiar, Pack Rat, and Tasigur and someone happened to link my deck, resulting in a whole ton of views in the span of a few hours. Reddit's kinda scary sometimes.
February 3, 2019 9:47 p.m.