How Did Storm Crow Become a Joke/Meme?
General forum
Posted on April 1, 2020, 10:44 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
Many players make jokes or memes about how amazingly awesome of a card Storm Crow is, and, while I admit that it is not a weak creature, it is also nothing spectacular, as least not by today's standards, so I do not understand how it achieved the fame (or perhaps infamy) that it now has.
What does everyone else say about this? How did Storm Crow achieve its status and reputation?
xtechnetia says... #3
From what I know, Storm Crow was first released in Alliances, the same set as Force of Will. The joke was that even Storm Crow could be considered a good card, purely on the basis of it being blue and thus pitching to Force.
This joke persists today in Legacy and Vintage circles in a more general form; any blue card can be said to be playable on the basis of it pitching to Force. (Like many jokes, this one has a grain of real reasoning to it.)
April 1, 2020 11:21 p.m.
KorandAngels says... #4
Storm crow isn't that bad though. It's not as OP as Goblin Snowman though.
April 21, 2020 2:12 a.m.
TriusMalarky says... #5
I don't fully believe the "Force of Will" story, as I seem to remember many people considering Force of Will bad in Standard when they reminisced. But I don't have firsthand proof. That said, Force would suck in Standard right now. There are no combo decks so fast that it's worth running. It's just too much card disadvantage for a format where, if you're playing blue, you have 15 mana open anyways.
Also, I have no proof, but I think the meme deepened with Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Squadron Hawk. I remember finding a lot of old posts about how Wizards should reprint Storm Crow because "all these top tier cards are too expensive".
I still want to buyout all the foil storm crows just for the memes tho. I will have thousands.
hungry000 says... #2
I only heard this in a video, but I think it was during Ice Age when Force of Will was printed. As you can imagine, people were all going off on how busted the card was (still is), and at some point they made satirical jokes about how Storm Crow (which was printed in the same set) was the best card ever printed since it could be pitched to Force.
April 1, 2020 11:18 p.m.