How do you feel about the different colours in Magic?
General forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2016, 1:54 p.m. by Argy
A discussion about what we love and loathe about the different Magic colours started here, and I thought this forum might be a more appropriate place for it.
What colours do it for you, which ones do you hate, and why?
I love red, Red is just easily my favorite color, as it's easily the closest to my own personality, and it just has so many cards I love. I don't think I hate any color, though I know I really don't like playing mono-blue. There are just so few game-closing options in Blue by itself, but it's easily one of the best colors to pair with another, and is part of my favorite color combination of Izzet.
December 18, 2016 2:19 p.m.
I love the best too, and love pairing it with
The cards I enjoy working with in are usually not the Counter spells but rather other stuff like Unblockable Creatures, Ensoul Artifact, Propaganda, cards that let you draw, etc.
I think I love because to me it always has new and different mechanics. It seems to have cards that can surprise your Opponent, like Mob Rule.
December 18, 2016 2:32 p.m.
joshuaizac says... #5
More johnny than timmy, but only by a little and only remotely spike-ish when drafting/sealed/occasion standard or when helping others build/adjust their decks for events.....
Sultai is my fav color combo, or any color(s) combos within. Orzhov is probably my least fav color combo, though I played it in standard the last 2 weeks. Basically when it comes down to it, win or lose, I'd rather play something off-beat with a little flair/finesse than just win with boring bs burn/or no flavor weenie aggro or net-decked crap.
December 18, 2016 3:31 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #6
I really don't like playing mono colored anything, but if I were forced to pick one of those 5 intro decks to play it'd always be the green one. Things in green just really suit my play style because all of the cards are just generally and obviously better than what the opponent is doing, and those cards get supported by terrible cards, which is a strategy that I much enjoy.
I don't like blue in concept or practice because the feel bads of being on the other side of a tempo player are just too much for me to handle.
I am actually a really big fan of colorless mana and artifacts in general (obviously), though I don't really like the vorthos concept of the eldrazi I do like the colorless mana and what it has access to. It can basically do everything but it costs a lot more to do than the other colors, which appeals to me.
So for favoritism in general, single color- colorless. dual color- . Tri color- Abzan.
December 18, 2016 4:14 p.m.
Red, Blue, and Black are my preferred colors. I love Grixis because of how tempo it can get. I dislike green because of how Timmy it feels, at least when I play it... My turns are very predictable and much like traditional burn, you can beat it or you can't. There isn't enough intricacy to those linear decks for me to be a fan.
December 18, 2016 4:28 p.m.
Agree to disagree shinobigarth lol its clear we're on opposite ends of the spectrum lol
December 18, 2016 4:51 p.m.
is the most misunderstood of colours.
All people think of with is, "Oh great, don't let me play any cards" (what I call Blue bullshit).
Really all the colours have their own brand of bullshit.
Get hit in the face with burn damage? That's Red bullshit.
Creature fights and kills one of yours? Green bullshit.
Something gets Exiled? White bullshit.
Your Planeswalker bites the dust? Black bullshit.
December 18, 2016 5:01 p.m.
flavor is nasty. My feelings for it match my feelings for nastiness. The veil of "it's just a game" takes not the edge off. Even powerful strategies and cards that are also downright disturbing make me happy that MtG is not just a good stuff powercard game because everything has an answer - even if it's Cancel.
I like . I prefer games with outcomes that depend on close decisions and playing your opponent as much as their board state and yours. I like tempo, counterspells, and anything that facilitates bluffing and head games.
December 18, 2016 5:26 p.m.
McSleuthburger says... #12
Master Color
I dont use black as much as I should probably because in the back of my mind I dont want to hurt myself, (like life loss) I know life is just another resource but there is a little part of my that doesnt want to hurt myself with a little life loss because I convince myself that it could do me in at the end
December 18, 2016 5:28 p.m.
When i was first taught about magic and how mana worked i immediately mentioned how it would be cool if there were cards that didn't require colored mana. i was shortly informed of artifacts. I always been attached to the idea of cards that these cards can go into any deck that found them worth the spot. there was no worry about having the right colored mana or how this would effect the distribution of what lands you needed or making sure you didn't have too many utility lands that produce only colorless mana. etc. i even made an edh deck that only had colorless cards in it. (had a 5 color commander in it though so i could play Talisman of Dominance and such cause color identity and what not.)
green is my least favorite color. it feels like of all the colors, green has some of the least interesting abilities. that's not to say green is bad. they just have a different focus than i want. Tarmagoyf and Leatherback Baloth are about as efficient as you could ask for. but they don't DO anything interesting. they get big. then they attack. i like cards that change the game. innovative strategies or quirky interactions. things that make a player think. while i do occasionally enjoy the feeling of swinging with a 20/20 hexproof and asking what creature my opponent values least, it gets old really fast for me.
depending on the context of the color i would say red and blue are in the air for favorite color. blue is interactive, albeit oppressive at times. it's spells have varying effects for the situation at hand. modal cards are quite appealing to me for the same reason. i mentioned red because of it chaotic nature. it forces a new situation that everyone has to react to. no one can just ignore a Warp World. the idea that red is willing to gamble away the game with coin cards or simply cards they are willing to bet will kill the opponent before themselves such as Mana Barbs etc. it just plays so counter intuitively compared to other colors that i want to use it. however att lower costs red can be somewhat linear in its own right. burn is a deck that plays about the same game every game. (i know that's not entirely true, but its more linear than most.)
oddly enough i dislike most decks with blue and red. jeskai is meh to me and grixis is only slightly better. mardu and esper are great. esper plays towards my colorless artifacts addiction. i don't know why i like mardu. I just know that i don't think i was ever more excited for a pre release than when i saw that khans was going to have a red black white theme.
two color combos would be rakdos or maybe orzhov. rakdos because it's insanely fun (yeah yeah the joke was bad, sue me). and orzhov because i enjoy the love hate relationship the deck has between it's colors.
December 18, 2016 6:12 p.m.
Of the three colour combos I'm Mardu.
I had a rocking Mardu Allies Standard deck during the Battle for Zendikar block. Killed a lot of Eldrazi with that deck.
I also have a Mardu Kaalia the Vast EDH deck, and a Mardu Modern deck that does well in multiplayer against my friends.
December 18, 2016 6:36 p.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #15
In WUBRG order since some people care:
White: Worst of blue, worst of green, good when paired with white or black.
Blue: A really good tertiary support colour, awesome in draft.
Black: Good fun.
Red: Great colour.
Green: This is magic.
December 18, 2016 6:47 p.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #16
My favourite two colour combo is Gruul, and for three colour I struggle between Temur and Jund, I love them both for very different reasosns.
December 18, 2016 7:06 p.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #17
Cloudchaser.Kestrel need to get in on this.
December 18, 2016 7:07 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #19
If it's not EDH, I'm not interested in anything not running Blue. The sole exception is my Golgari Nighthowler deck from Theros Standard, because it was the first and only home brew that I've ever built that has ever been successful. I also have a soft spot for Abzhan NicFit in Legacy because it's among the bluest non-blue deck in existence. Actually, I like the BUG colours. Red and White without Black or Blue isn't any fun for me though.
December 18, 2016 9:45 p.m.
Red and Green are my favorite colors. Red represents my personality whereas Green has values I hold dear.
For me, it's easier to list why I don't like Esper than describe the others. But my strongest hate is for blue, what it stands for, and how it plays. The only thing I like about it other than drawing cards are the weird spells it gets (like Spellshift). I like big, and even bigger damage. I'm the kind of player to hates politics and prefers to smash people on the head without messing around.
White I can get behind in some ways. However, what I don't like about it is its authoritarian side (Blind Obedience, Humility and Aura of Silence are a few examples). It grinds games to a halt and restricts the flow of a game at any given point. I like a few white cards, so it's not a total hatred (Gisela, Blade of Goldnight and Comeuppance come to mind).
Black is too controlling for me, even if I tune it to be aggressive. Attrition and long games are not my field of expertise. I was just playing a token/attrition deck (see The Kondo-R) today, and I saw how slow it was to pull together pieces and try to control the board while beating them to death with a spoon. Not having haste was a buzzkill, nor was the lack of big damage.
I'm a red player who wants to do tons of damage and go tall. Green's help is something I cannot live without, and it's got some of the best fat in the game. Overall, Esper is way too controlling for my tastes, even if I tried to force my philosophy into those colors.
December 18, 2016 9:50 p.m. Edited.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #22
Blue adds a lot to aggro, illusion aggro is real and Temur is jusy sick. Surrak Dragonclaw, Savage Knuckleblade, 'nuff said.
December 19, 2016 12:09 a.m.
Decks_On.Acid says... #23
Blue is the strongest color in the game, so it is my favorite. The ability to completely destroy a spell before it reaches the battlefield is overpowered in every regard. It is unfair, brutal, destructive, complex, and every synonym for "awesome".
Dimir because Blue pairs best with black (and white...). Now I can control the board and not just the aether.
Bant because those 3 colors synnergize the best (followed by esper).
I also like the color red when I want a quick game.
December 19, 2016 12:58 a.m.
Simon_Williamson don't forget Shaman of the Great Hunt and Sarkhan Unbroken.
December 19, 2016 7:38 a.m.
Named_Tawyny says... #25
I mean, mono (and especially control) is pretty much the colour of those who hate Magic. But paired with other colours in a support role (using it's agressive/unblockable creatures) it can be fun to play as well.
But definitely my least favourite colour.
December 19, 2016 8:02 a.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #26
Argeaux I did not, those are more advanced Temur aggro cards however, not introductory.
I am ashamed to see so many people hate or dislike green, what a pity... I should draft with ALL of you.
December 19, 2016 8:05 a.m.
Neither do I, I usually build aggro in draft because control has to be so finely tuned
December 19, 2016 8:25 a.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #29
I don't either, just thought it'd be funny. Although I do like to draft with people who tend to force an archetype or colour.
December 19, 2016 8:29 a.m.
For the entirety of theros I forced BR minotaurs. For some reason it always worked reasonably well. Except when I made my friend fear draft.
But I guess that's what append when you really like BR
December 19, 2016 3:51 p.m.
The first Standard deck I ever made was Minotaurs.
When I look at it now it's pretty rough. Just about every card is a 4 of.
I had Fleetfeather Sandals in, so my Minotaurs could fly.
Still own the paper version of the deck.
December 19, 2016 5:30 p.m.
My first standard deck was a RDW in Khans with a lot of burn and prowess, I've since disassembled that deck to make a U/R Prowess which got a lot of popularity on here and I very recently disassembled that to start building two Grixis decks for standard and modern. (Most pf the decks are on my profile if you're interested)
December 19, 2016 6:14 p.m.
shinobigarth says... #33
i dont hate green, its just when i go 3 color, my decks always manage to end up Mardu colored. although i am messing around with GB right now that i might play in the format my LGS is creating.
December 20, 2016 3:01 a.m.
Cloudchaser.Kestrel says... #34
I'm mono white, centered against black. Red's chaotic nature is tolerable if not preferred, but black's parasitism is unforgivable.
My love and hate is mostly flavorful, but mechanics matter too. I like white's capacity to build up unbreakable boardstates. As one friend recently told me "I can't let you get live a long time because then you just can't be beaten." I like getting stronger the longer I play. My favorite mechanic is lifegain. Go figure.
I hate black's flavor, but my least favorite mechanic has to be discard, which, I'm sure, contributes. My second least is infect - which black certainly isn't bad at.
If I have to go two colored it usually ends up Azorius or Selesnya. If I have to go three, it's Bant. I force white in drafts and let the whole table know I'm going to force white. I've never in all my time had anyone fight me for it. I find being predictable serves us all.
I do definitely think there's a right and wrong way to play every color, and shy away from white taxing especially in multiplayer. A white deck one on one has a clear enemy and focus and using a tool to protect yourself is legitimate. With more people at the table it draws hate when white has so much capacity to draw love - from enchantment and artifact removal for those pesky stax players to something like Oath of Lieges to help the game move smoothly.
December 26, 2016 2:34 a.m.
I've been feeling the same way about . Red has just become a secondary color for me and I can't stand Esper. I hate blue because... "I'm going to counter 50+ of your spells and get away with it." Black's flavor I can't stand, despite my mantra being rather black-focused. Finally, white is a pinnacle of humanity and civilization, both of which my attitudes leans negatively.
Argy says... #2
I hate the colour green in real life.
I don't know if that's what contributes to me hating it in Magic, but I think that has more to do with some of the OP cards I've come across during my experience with this game.
Someone was talking about Courser of Kruphix in the Comments where this topic started.
Thanks for that! Now I'm gonna be having Courser nightmares all night! lol
December 18, 2016 2:02 p.m.