How do you know if someone is a Magic Judge?
General forum
Posted on April 1, 2017, 11:50 p.m. by Argy
There was a Player the other night who claimed to be a Magic Judge, but he kept saying the wrong thing about the rules, so I doubt that he was.
He's also a congenital liar.
Do Judges have something like a number or a card or anything?
You have to cut their arm off and count the rings. One ring for Level 1, two for level 2, three for level 3, and so on.
If they have 7 rings you've cut the arm off Richard Garfield. For shame!
April 2, 2017 6:26 a.m.
So LeaPlath I cut his arm off and THERE WERE NO RINGS.
What do I do with the arm, now?
April 2, 2017 7:23 a.m.
I'm sure Stitcher Geralf could do something interesting with that arm.
April 2, 2017 11:15 a.m.
Just slap him across the face with the arm whenever he says something incorrect about the rules.
thunderlicous says... #2
It is hard to say really, as L1 and L2 judges are more on a hobby/lgs level, so from my experience, all you have is their word. I do know L3 and L4 judges have cards, as they can judge large events and may need to travel to judge said events. I had my L1 certification, but this was about 8 years back, so I don't know how they do it now. If you do have a concern, I would approach your lgs's employee(s) and ask for a certified judge if it concerns you. You could also just call for a judge, and if you think the ruling is incorrect, you may appeal it. The only way you can really become certified as a Magic judge though is through a store that is licensed to hold events, so if he didn't do it through your lgs, I would not hold any judgement he makes very highly. Now, he may actually be a judge, but from what you have stressed, it sounds like he is just doing it for attention. Here is the link to Wizard's page on their judges for Magic --> Wizard's Judge Page. I highly recommend taking the Level 1 if you can, it is really good for anyone playing magic somewhat competitively to do.
April 2, 2017 12:36 a.m.