How lazy is wotc!!
General forum
Posted on Jan. 5, 2018, 11:43 a.m. by shadow63
In rivals of ixilan they are reprinting several cards from ixilan!! Really? Are they that out of ideas they can't make garbage commons anymore . Ok rant over
Are you not familiar with limited? Sometimes it's good for the draft environment for players to have access to a larger pool of a single card. For example, the Khans block had lots of powerful bomb enchantments like the siege cycle, Mastery of the Unseen, etc. In addition, tons of removal in the format came in the form of enchantments (Encase in Ice, Pacifism, Silkwrap, etc. In addition, we've got powerful stuff like Skywise Teachings at uncommon. There's also a ton of artifact mana fixing available in the format.
It absolutely makes sense for Naturalize to make two appearances across the block. In this way, someone in green doesn't have to stress about picking it up early because it's basically more of a sideboard card anyway, but you know you're going to come across one or two in your pool at later stages of the packs almost guaranteed.
Repeat cards with different arts are also a great way to showcase change on the plane.
January 5, 2018 12:30 p.m. Edited.
Legion Conquistador, Raptor Companion, and Colossal Dreadmaw are reprints from Ixalan
January 5, 2018 1:02 p.m.
Obviously we don't know how the limited environment will shape up, but you can make some strong arguments why those cards deserve to appear across the block.
January 5, 2018 3:06 p.m.
If they would have changed the art to reflect the story of this part of the block, it would have been better.
January 5, 2018 3:32 p.m.
Why use explanation mark to punctuate a question? Thats what the question mark is for! :). If you want to scream the question, use ?!.
January 5, 2018 5:18 p.m.
Good job smack jack thanks for adding too the conversation?
January 5, 2018 5:19 p.m.
Don't you draft 1 pack of ix with two packs of rivals? And none of those cards do much even in limited.
January 5, 2018 5:23 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #11
I would argue that Legion Conquistador needs to be in RIX for that strategy to work. As for the other two, they make fine filler for the dinosaurs deck. I too would have liked new artwork, but I guess the world hasnt changed any, so its not too much of an issue.
January 5, 2018 6:52 p.m.
Well, one could also argue that they should occasionally throw in the same cards to avoid having a billion look-alike-soundalike useless redundancy cards and have a couple of staple cards.
January 5, 2018 8:55 p.m.
It's also possible that WotC had to last minute put replacement cards into slots because they needed to change something about the limited environment. This explains why so many cards are repeated AND why we have no new art.
January 5, 2018 9:09 p.m.
ork_mcgork says... #14
Yeah I think it's a mix of ensuring a more functional limited environment and filler. Legion Conquistador would be a nearly dead card if you were drafting RIX RIX IXL, or you'd be having to force them over other cards. Colossal Dreadmaw is fine as just a dumb trample beater - no need to make a card with different art or anything when the Dreadmaw isn't doing anything radically different on Ixalan (it's not like in KTK block when the whole plane got changed thanks to time shenanigans). Wouldn't worry too much about it.
Though I wonder if anything this recent was significantly affected by the decision to step away from small sets and blocks as we knew them.
January 5, 2018 10:23 p.m.
Its because its a small set, and probably was made smaller by the last-minute exclusion of the Masterpieces. To make sure everything worked right and that the limited pool power level was set, they added in a few reprints. But they did so for very few and all commons. Nothing to freak out over; its the last small set anyway.
January 6, 2018 8:37 a.m.
Pretty sure all sets are meant to be drafted.
I highly doubt Wizards would go through all the trouble of creating an entire world and 400 unique cards for that world and then just cop out on the last 4. It's pretty shortsighted to just get mad and assume they're being "lazy", especially when you clearly haven't considered any of the reasons they'd reprint a few cards within the same block.
Beyond that, these are all cards you're going to open in a booster and immediately throw out, so why be so upset about it? Doesn't sound like you're a drafter, anyway.
January 6, 2018 12:14 p.m.
Printing the same card twice in one block seems short sighted. Isn't drafting it with one pack of ix or cracking two packs of ix in your pre release so they don't have to reprint cards in the same block for drafting. It's just lazy redundancy. They could of made a another 6 drop crap dino it'snot that hard
January 6, 2018 12:21 p.m.
Art is expensive, might throw off odds of relevant commons in packs too much for Limited, short time constraints due to last minute changes elsewhere in the set... There's a lot of reasons besides "just not feeling like it" for why this decision was made.
It's only a few commons, and it's the last time it'll happen as this is the last small set. Relax a little bit, this is not nearly as game-ending or blundering as Saheeli/Cat or Marvel/Emrakul or what have you.
tl;dr: Shush.
Dredge4life says... #2
January 5, 2018 12:24 p.m.