How Long Was the Longest Game of M:tG that You Ever Played?
General forum
Posted on Nov. 26, 2018, 6:51 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
In my many years of playing Magic: the Gathering, I have played games of varying lengths, but most typically last from ten to twenty minutes, with few games being outside of that range.
However, there have been rare occasions in which some games that I have played have lasted for far longer than a normal duration, so I wish to ask everyone here what was the longest game of M:tG that you have played.
The longest game that I ever played was an EDH game at a prerelease event several years ago at my local game store (it was not part of the prerelease event, but my friends and I remained after the event was over), and it lasted for at least three hours. I was using a five-colored deck with Progenitus as the general (which was the first EDH deck that I ever built and which I still have), and, while I cannot recall the exact number of players who began the game, I do recall that I was one of the final two; I did not win, unfortunately, but the fact that I remained in the game for its entire duration and finished in second place is, for me, a very significant achievement and one of which I am very proud.
What does everyone else here have to say about this? What was the longest game of Magic that you have ever played? I do expect some very entertaining responses to this thread.
LordBlackblade says... #3
Mine was at a Boy Scout lock-in sometime in the early 2000’s. It was an eight vs. eight kitchen table matchup. It took all of the free time after the merit badges were done, it had to have taken five-six hours at least.
November 26, 2018 8:48 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #5
LordBlackblade, that is very intense! What format did you play?
November 26, 2018 9:55 p.m.
LordBlackblade says... #6
DemonDragonJ: It was just kitchen table/casual. As for how we structured everything, each team took turns simultaneously. Due to the size, you pretty much fought with those nearest to you; however, a few global effects and the errant spell from the other end of the table weren't uncommon.
November 26, 2018 10:35 p.m.
Legendary_penguin_of_death says... #7
The longest game I have played was 4 hours and 45 minutes. It was this past Wednesday. It was not fun. I’m never playing 5 person planechase commander ever again. I could have won but I was so tired from playing that I wrathed the board even though I had the best board state.
November 26, 2018 11:47 p.m.
a 4 pod emperor planechase commander with one pod archenemy with highly curated and balanced decklists all set for stax would probably create the longest game of mtg the rent of the place is was held would probably run out before the game's turn 10.
But as for reality I believe the longest game I've played was back when I was a newer player and 3 hour game was the deck, most of the time people don't wanna sit around for really long games, also describing them is difficult without someone recording it.
November 27, 2018 1:31 a.m.
I once played Zedruu Chaos in an 8 person game that went I to last about 3.5 hours. I actually ended up winning using a wild ricochet to redirect a massive X burn spell from the Silver player.
I retired the deck and have since become a staunch opponent of both chaos and pods of over 4 people.
November 27, 2018 2:17 a.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #10
The longest game I've ever played was probably 7-8 hours long. There was I think 8 of us playing EDH. 6 of the 8 was running some sort of variation of Pillowfort. I was probably the only aggro player at the table running Rafiq of the Many and the other non pillowfort player ran a werewolf/wolf tribal deck.
I had a blast playing a 8 man pod, but God I will never do it again. Not getting done until like 2 in the morning and have to be up at 6am to get ready for work ain't the best thing to do.
November 27, 2018 6 a.m.
Not me but the wifey was in a 4 person pod where she was playing a generic Oloro lifegain deck that I build for her. Another dude was playing a Kambal, Consul of Allocation deck of the same strategy. Lifegain up the wazoo from both of them. They ended up being the last 2 players in the pod with my wife taking the W. Super cool LGS that they were, they locked the doors at closing but let everybody stay in and watch the game go down, which lasted a good 4 hours.
November 27, 2018 8:23 a.m.
SynergyBuild says... #12
Hmmm... probably only 2 days? maybe more.
It was modern, and it was my stupid, Karn-only wincon list against a deck with like 100 cards for no reason.
November 27, 2018 9 a.m.
Legendary_penguin_of_death says... #13
That’s pretty long haha. How did you not get decked SynergyBuild?
November 27, 2018 12:40 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #14
I did. That was how the game ended. On game 3 at least.
November 27, 2018 12:42 p.m.
MxStoneheart says... #17
This sort of question is very format-specific, as a typical Commander (EDH) game is already an hour and a half long.
My longest game was twice that, with a bunch of board wipes and shuffling of graveyards back into the library.
November 27, 2018 1:34 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #18
MxStoneheart not really... I have heard of Standard Nexus/Teferi lists taking upwards of 6 hours to complete their full 3 matches, and Modern games like mine reseting the game upwards of 40 times, causing me or my opponent to deck, going 2 days.
November 27, 2018 3:05 p.m.
Suns_Champion says... #19
My longest was an EDH game lasting 4 1/2 hours.
A horrible and hilarious combination of new players, bad deck building, no combo, and 9 players.
November 27, 2018 5:51 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #20
Just as I expected, there are some awesome stories in this thread; thank you for sharing, everyone!
November 28, 2018 10:26 p.m.
Easily four hours it was a kitchen table 8 person free for all with me and my friend's family. I was third gone and two players died to mill.
December 6, 2018 6:03 p.m.
Just finished it now. (I was playing MTGArena) . So it was an historic ranked match. Me and my opponent were both playing single coloured white mana deck. The decks were pretty similar with a few changes. The match started about five hours ago. Everything was going great until both of us played The Book of Exalted Deeds. We both knew what was coming. First I got my HP to 1000 and my opponent's to -1000. Then the opposite. We reached a point where we had a lot of cards on the board. To counter this, my opponent tried to used The Deck of Many Things. I tried to go with my Angel of Destiny, but it wasn't showing up. Eventually my opponent ran out of cards and had only his hand. Then the following turn (my turn), my Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, which I had completely forgotten I had, and used its second ability, and wiped out the board, cleaning both mine and his The Book of Exalted Deeds. I had a few HP remaining but my opponent had around -53. So I won. My biggest and most intense battle. What worried me the most was his Angelic Guardian.
ninjaclevs13 says... #2
That I've personally played in? Yeah, probably somewhere upwards of 3 hours, too many durdles...
But there's a legend at my LGS about the game from a few months ago. 5 sliver players, and they all got out Hive Mind...that game is still going on at Table 3.
November 26, 2018 8:04 p.m.