How many cards can be sacrificed with Yahenni at once?
General forum
Posted on June 17, 2019, 11:51 a.m. by Quickspell
Can Yahenni, Undying Partisan sacrifice any number of creatures at the same time?
Quickspell says... #3
Hi Nemesis, "once per activation"... I'm not sure what to make of that. Basically, I'm thinking of using him to kill multiple token creatures to cause other when-a-creature-dies-effetcs in one turn.
June 17, 2019 12:11 p.m. Edited.
Basically it comes down to the wording of your question and the wording of the card - I may be being needlessly pedantic in this situation. Yahenni's ability allows you to pay the cost of sacrificing a single creature to give it indestructible until end of turn. You can activate the ability as many times as you have creatures to sacrifice since nothing is stopping you from just giving yahenni indestructible a bunch of times. But, this is different from sacrificing several creatures to activate yahenni's ability once.
For your purposes Yahenni does what you want. You can sacrifice a creature to give it indestructible, then repeat over and over until you have no creatures left.
June 17, 2019 12:30 p.m.
Quickspell says... #5
Okay, I understand it now. In fact, thank you for being pedantic, or rather, exact.
Nemesis says... #2
You can activate the ability as many times as you have creatures, but you can only sacrifice one creature per activation.
June 17, 2019 12:05 p.m.