How to Choose Which Deck to Buy
General forum
Posted on Oct. 19, 2016, 5:53 p.m. by Homura_Akemi
I can be very indecisive and am having trouble deciding what deck to buy at the moment, either Narset EDH or a standard deck, with the storecredit I have for Magic cards. How do you guys decide what deck to get first? Any helpful strategies?
Also, do you have other standard or edh decks?
I have a narset edh deck, and from experience i wouldn't run that as your only deck. People tend to hate on it a little due to her strong ability. It's super fun, but I tend to switch up decks a lot to keep it interesting and fresh. I guess what i'm saying is if you're looking to get into edh, choose something with less of a target. If you do have multiple decks, she's def a cool spin on deck building
Above all have fun! choose what you'll play the most!
October 19, 2016 6:54 p.m.
Homura_Akemi says... #4
I regularly and equally play both. My standard deck is mono red burn which in my opinion would be pretty weak if my play group didn't just do casual homebrew standard decks. I want to get a more competitive deck but am always hesitant with standard because of new sets coming out. I have a commander deck but fell in love with Narset and really wanna have her in a commander deck. I think I'll just get my Narset deck to have it forever and get another standard deck later.
October 19, 2016 7:19 p.m.
Well hey, that sounds like a plan!
Here's my Narset build if you're looking for ideas. It's not exactly a budget deck; as I've been working on it for quite some time now, but it might be worth checking out. It's missing some of the lands I can't afford at the moment like Hall of the Bandit Lord, Maze of Ith, and I don't think I'll ever get ABUR duals lol
October 19, 2016 9:43 p.m.
I would build a competitive Standard deck, grind tournaments with it, then build up more store credit to buy into EDH.
October 20, 2016 7:37 p.m.
rockergage says... #8
Commander will last longer as you need to upgrade standard but my whole vision of standard had always been play cheapest black white combo deck i can till it rotates out.
October 21, 2016 1:16 a.m.
Homura_Akemi says... #9
sylvannos good idea in just getting a standard deck and then selling it while it's still worth something
rockergage I would get the cheapest black white deck but orzhov is the bane of my existence lol
October 21, 2016 6:43 a.m.
Dredge4life says... #10
EDH is my favourite format, so I say go with Narset. Competitive standard is almost never worth it at FNM level.
October 27, 2016 12:03 p.m.
I personally find that I play way more EDH than any tournament format, so I would say go EDH since you will always be able to use it. But I would like to second the comment about not only running Narset EDH. It will get hated on because when it goes off it seems insanely strong. Here is my build if you want to check it out:
Free Spells Are Fun (Narset, Enlightened Master)
Commander / EDH
I have also recently gotten into modern which I prefer over standard because it is more varied and doesn't rotate. It is more expensive to start up for sure, but the long term costs are a bit lower. Overall though, I think you should really evaluate what you play more in standard vs. EDH, and then go buy the deck for the format you will play more.
Raging_Squiggle says... #2
It depends. Do you play standard a lot, or more edh games? The thing with standard is that cards rotate from the format. So that standard deck won't always be standard legal. At that point you'd be getting into modern which a freshly outdated standard deck would not survive in, or casual. Which would still be underpowered since anything goes in casual. EDH decks never rotate out so you'd be able to use it for that format forever.
October 19, 2016 6:13 p.m.