How to write a good article.
General forum
Posted on Aug. 18, 2016, 3:13 a.m. by EpicFreddi
Hello fellow planeswalker!
I'm thinking about starting my own article series, but I'm struggling with a few things. The series should be about brewing ideas. I want to gather some crazy techs from all people on this page and turn them into decks (Like the the deckcycle-series, but rather with just a basic idea i turn into a deck.)
First off, I'm as eloquently as a dead monkey. Most of the time I sound like a kindergardenchild, because english isn't my mother tongue and I've mostly tought it myself. I always wanted to write like Chiefbell for examples (I swear to god, his writing style is so smooth).
Second, I'm struggling with the formating. I guess I just need to read a guide, but I'm unstructured that it's a pain to read sometimes. (I even hate my own text).
Third, even though I have a clear idea in mind how the article(s) should look like, I'll still need help from the community. That means I need to find some people to work with, but I hardly know anyone here (crazy when you concider that I'm here for almost 2,5 years and rank 91 overall...). I should propably just check the discord server.
These are all my struggles. I don't know if it's even a good idea to start a series when I'm having with problems with the basics...
Let me hear what you think.
I already edit other people's articles. If you email my mtg email address (on my profile!) then I can work with you to produce something. You get your thoughts onto paper (or rather.... computer screen?), I make it look pretty and sound nice.
August 18, 2016 5:06 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #5
ChiefBell sounds like a great offer. What would be a good way to "repay" you?
(I won't accept it for free. It's your time and that should be worth something.)
August 18, 2016 5:08 a.m.
I mean I usually do it for free given that I have admin duties here, but if you absolutely insist you can gift me a feature token or something?
August 18, 2016 5:12 a.m.
EpicFreddi says... #7
If that's sufficent for you, I'll agree. I'll contact you over the weekend with my structured idea so we can work something out.
August 18, 2016 5:26 a.m.
I think that's great. I would be willing to give Chris Bell a Admin a feature token, when, if I decide to do a article in the future.
That's great for Epic Freddi, Chris Bell, Me, all of us here.
Glad You Posted This Epic Freddi, and glad you posted your response Chris Bell.
Thanks for posting about this guys.
August 18, 2016 6:04 a.m.
Chief, not Chris.
Just in case anyone wants to tag me and gets confused.
August 18, 2016 6:13 a.m.
Sorry Chief, that green tint on Chief, makes it hard to see, thought it read Chris, but now that I squint at it, can see it says CHIEF, NOT Chris.
Might want to change the shade to something, where don't have to squint to read it.
But maybe that's just me, so maybe I don't know.
MikealDH1 says... #2
I think need a editor on this site. Somebody that can, willing, will do a good job, editing other people's articles.
It's not easy. I have been a reporter, editor, photographer, website designer, at a amateur level in highschool, college.
The only reason I didn't have a job doing those jobs, is because I didn't get a college degree.
My problem is that I am wordy.And so I need a editor to edit my writing. I do a ok job editing other people's writing, but not with my own.
So need a editor for the site to edit articles by people here. I can edit people's articles, until get somebody better, if allowed, wanted to do so on a trial basis, if we can get somebody who is good at formatting, because I'm not good at formating all the fancy formatting stuff.
I am not sure how, where to get started, how people would send me stuff to edit. And not sure how send that to formatter, an or person that puts up articles.
But I am willing to try that out, learn, etc.
Just don't ask me to do a article, unless somebody is willing to edit an article by me first.
August 18, 2016 4:17 a.m.