I feel unwelcome at my local game store

General forum

Posted on March 28, 2016, 8:44 p.m. by SteezeOrtiz

I'm pretty new to Magic and I'm building my first "real" deck. I found out I have a Magic store close to where I live so I thought I'd get some cards for my deck. I asked the store owner for 4 Hedron Crabs and he gave me this dirty look as if he didn't like me buying that. After he got me the cards I asked for Traumatize and he said in a pretty nasty tone, "Why would you want Traumatize?". I don't know, maybe I'm overacting but I just feel like they don't want new players at their store. Or maybe there really is a problem with the cards I bought. I just get a bad vibe from the place and I feel unwelcome. Has anyone else ever experienced something like this at their LGS, or am I alone here?

JA14732 says... #2

If you feel unwelcome, don't go. You can probably find another nearby.

March 28, 2016 8:48 p.m.

DrLitebur says... #3

Some of the players in your playgroup may not like a mill strategy for their group. That may be what it is. It is also considered a "rogue" or outside strategy, and almost considered bush league. To me, I like the strategy, and I have found ways to make it really work and screw people who don't see the strategy as viable. It is all in your own playstyle. Don't listen to them. Just have fun and play your own brew decks. Screw them.

March 28, 2016 8:48 p.m.

Arvail says... #4

I hate my local shops. I buy online just to avoid dealing with them.

March 28, 2016 8:50 p.m.

@SteezeOrtiz I wouldn't dwell on it. from what you said, its only the douchy store guy whose the issue, and honestly, if he wants to be in a pissy mood and potentially lose revenue, he can do that.

I'd still show up there for a while, and if he keeps doing it, maybe ask him why? usually people just have shitty days, and will get over it as opposed to them just being hate factories against customers.

March 28, 2016 8:58 p.m.

SteezeOrtiz says... #6

Thanks everyone! I'm definitely gonna keep going there. I'm not gonna let one dude stop me from going. I just thought I'd share my expirence with others. If there was another store I'd go there instead but unfortunately there isn't. If they don't like my style then they have to deal with it. After all, I am giving them my money. lol

@aaron.jacob That "Simpsons Comic Book Guy" analogy was spot on. haha

March 28, 2016 9:26 p.m.

Argy says... #7

I didn't like most of the staff at my local game shop so I started to use one a bit further away.

Best move I ever made.

People are more friendly and staff are more helpful.

Completely changed how I felt about Standard tourneys.

March 28, 2016 9:26 p.m.

scopesightzx says... #8

I bet that guy hates mill decks, and he has PTSD over losing to one with a really expensive deck

March 28, 2016 9:40 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #9

I have never had this experience really with someone who worked at a store. What absolutely ridiculously horrible store clerk would be negative about cards that you want to buy. I could maybe understand another magic player that is not affilitated with the store just being a dick but if someone did that at a store and I owned it they would be immediately fired because that is the absolute WRONG thing to do to a customer. Definitely try giving it another shot and if thats the owner honestly I probably wouldnt go there anymore if its just a clerk report him because that is just ridiculous.

March 28, 2016 11:53 p.m.

greyninja says... #10

Bummer. Don't let it get you down. Magic is fun and you'll get to meet a lot of personalities; good and bad

I would guess that since you're a new player building a deck with an unconventional wincon; the owner has thrown you into the newb pile

Maybe he's more of a conventional player, or mill is a been-there-done-that for him, or he'd rather be selling you more expensive standard/modern/legacy staples, etc. Regardless; you shouldn't be a dink to your customers. I bet he listens to nickelback ;D

March 29, 2016 12:19 a.m. Edited.

Just to throw this out there on the offchance, and I had to check that this was definitely a new post before writing this, but if you are a new magic player, perhaps the reason he gave you a funny look is that you bought cards that A) arent legal in standard B) are too numerous for commander and C) arent really that good in any of the older formats?

So I get how Hedron Crab and Traumatize are fun cards and I would happily use them and enjoy playing vs them on our stores commander night, as we still dont have a through-and-through mill player (we have a bug player who mills himself using tunnel vision for living death, but thats not the same). That said if someone new came in to our LGS and bought specifically those cards it would cause me to wonder at their motives, or at least question their decision as I wouldnt want them to feel they had been sold a card they couldnt get use out of.

maybe I just like to see the best in people and I can't truly appraise the situation like you can as I was not there to read the implied subtext of the situation, but as those cards in that number are only really usable in formats like modern where decks are far too fast usually to run cards like the crab and expect to win, or in the sort of "build whatever you want" style play that stores don't normally have support for as you cannot run events for.

feel free to disregard this comment as its purely conjecture but I wouldnt want you feeling unwelcomed over something that could just be a misunderstanding if I could help it :)

March 29, 2016 6:23 a.m.

TMBRLZ says... #12

As an LGS employee, I question if that man you described is actually the store owner. Most LGS owners (my own included) in my experience typically aren't that well versed in MtG. And also they have enough business sense and desire to make a profit that they wouldn't RIDICULE SOMEBODY BUYING THEIR CARDS. Unintentionally or otherwise.

So if that's the feeling you consistently get, then honestly, they don't deserve your business. That's some bullshit. If you don't have anywhere else to play then I suggest continuing to play there but don't give them your business. Rely on online vendors and trading. If a store mistreats you then you owe them nothing, least of all your money.

However I might also suggest bringing to light your issues with how you were treated and make it sure it wasn't just a misunderstanding, or see if they apologize for it.

I've worked at my LGS for two years. I've worked in retail for longer. Your experience, no matter how brief, is unacceptable. At any level.

March 29, 2016 9:31 a.m.

MrMcDouble says... #13

I used to go to a bad LGS, where the employee working during FNM would bully younger players, including myself. I just asked around for a better store and found one a bit farther away. I have loads of fun there and feel welcome by all players.

March 29, 2016 10:26 a.m.

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