I really miss flavor text
General forum
Posted on Nov. 16, 2022, 8:23 a.m. by Niko9
Or at least, flavor text that really had some oomph behind it. I've been looking at brother's war this morning and there are so many legends in there that feel, I don't know, just so like filler cards, and I think that part of it is how much flavor text is missing.
What makes flavor text so important (ha, to me at least) is that at worst of times it doesn't take anything away from the game, but at best of times it's amazing short form storytelling. I mean, why would you play no text rancor when you can play Rancor : ) It adds nothing, but it adds so much too.
Heh, and I'm sorry if this is a little ranty, it's just that my interest is so high for magic right now, but I just feel like they are printing things further and further from what I loved about old magic, and that makes it hard to get into new sets. Take Sheoldred, the Apocalypse that's just the most throw away line ever. And, I'm not saying that everything has to be Visara the Dreadful but at the same time, I'd love Urza, Mishra, and other characters that have so much lore to have something fun on the card.
The last set I can remember with great flavor text was AFR. The flavor lands are some of my all time favorite lands, and I just loved most all of the set, just because of how full of life everything was. Maybe that is gone though in the face of making more sets, and if it is, I honestly feel like the game has lost something that is more important than any of us really realize. Most decks I've ever made are based on flavor, so I can say from my own perspective at least, that flavor text is actually a big part of how I play the game, and I'm really starting to worry a bit if my style of magic is phasing out.
But anyways, don't mean to prattle too much : ) What are some of your favorite flavors texts? I do think that Rancor is maybe the perfect flavor text, but I also like quick quips like Gallia of the Endless Dance or Bag of Holding
Though, to be fair, I have heard that the flavor of the warhammer set was really good. I feel like I just don't get it, but if it is, then that's actually pretty awesome. Mostly I just wish that they took this same approach to the magic characters.
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November 16, 2022 10:24 a.m.
That's fair. Maybe what I really miss is fun word play and quippy flavor text : )
November 16, 2022 2:35 p.m.
I still feel like the flavor text is on-point these days.
I often don't buy full-art cards so the flavor text is still there.
November 16, 2022 3:46 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #8
One of the creative text (names and flavor text) writers for Unfinity actually also worked on BRO. It is Kathleen DeVeer from Loading Ready Run. She has mentioned a few of the cards she worked on in streams and videos, but the only one I remember is the schematic Swiftfoot Boots
November 16, 2022 3:46 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #9
My understanding is that legendary creatures are being made for Commander, so they are being designed with a lot of ability text to really make them fun and unique. Unfortunately this comes with the drawback of less space for flavor and lore, hence your notice of them having less and less flavor text overall, comparatively to non-legendary creatures and other spells.
Essentially, it's a design space issue.
Not a design, as in R&D issue, but a physical space-on-the-card issue.
November 16, 2022 3:57 p.m. Edited.
Werebear - Definitely an American for sure. EDIT: Can't figure out how to find the old edition.
"The right to bear arms"
November 16, 2022 4:35 p.m. Edited.
November 16, 2022 4:46 p.m.
Werebear is such a good one! Wizards was so far ahead of the game with bear puns : )
November 16, 2022 5:24 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #14
I like the flavor text that isn’t locked into a storyline. Generalized mood, with oblique references to names and places that may never actually be fleshed out. I miss those loose threads that let your mind wander, as opposed to “Jace stepped into Ahmonket and grinned; ‘That guy’s name is Nicol Bolas’”. If I wanted that I would buy their books.
November 17, 2022 8:54 a.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #15
Hey man have you ever heard of Rhystic Study? I mean Rhystic Studies? The YouTuber? He makes INCREDIBLE video essays about everything from Tarmogoyf’s reign, to how Thoughtseize impacts formats, so art designs and even, flavor text!
One of my favorite videos by him is called Hatred Outlives the Hateful, and it’s about the flavor text of cards, how impactful it can be and also how lackluster it can be. I definitely recommend checking out his videos.
I would link it but idk if that’s allowed.
November 21, 2022 12:24 p.m.
Awesome, thanks for the suggestions and it sounds like a really fun one to check out : )
And I absolutely agree FormOverFunction It's not that I don't like lore flavor text, but it also doesn't add a lot. The best flavor texts are the ones that ignite your imagination and let you run with it. When they actually try to tell a story in such a short space it always will fall short compared to what a reader can create for themselves.
Caerwyn says... #2
You can still find plenty of great flavour text - they just tend to be on cards other than the legendary creatures. That means most of the great flavour text is constrained to bulk cards, but that has always been the case.
Now, just doing a quick survey of older sets, it does appear Legendary Creatures used to have a higher proportion of cards with flavour text. They also had a higher proportion of unplayable or mechanically uninteresting Legendary Creatures. Those are not unrelated data points - more rules text on a card means more mechanical complexity, but it also cuts out your ability to include reminder text.
Just looking at Brother’s War, plenty of playable cards have fantastic flavour text - though Unearth, with its long reminder text, and Prototype’s formatting both cut into the space on bulk cards some. My personal favourite from the set would be the depressing solemnity of Calamity's Wake, particularly with how it plays with the art of that card.
Now, I will say that I probably read less flavour text now than in the past - but that has more to do with Wizards’ endless spoiler season making me less inclined to sit down and read bulk cards for their rules and flavour texts.
November 16, 2022 9:33 a.m. Edited.