I wish skulk was an evergreen keyword.
General forum
Posted on Jan. 26, 2020, 6 p.m. by StopShot
Skulk (This creature can't be blocked by creatures with greater power.)
Example cards: Farbog Revenant, Fogwalker, Rancid Rats
There are only 10 creature cards that have skulk, but I thought it was a really fun-to-play keyword in limited. I like the fact it gives more importance to creatures with defender, creatures with high toughness over power and low-cost creatures. As a keyword it would be used on and creatures and maybe some fringe creatures as well. (Like spiders, snakes, fungi, oozes, etc.)
I recall some people thought the keyword was a little too strong, but if it needs to be powered down I think it would be easier to make a new keyword similar to it. Something like: "New Keyword" (Creatures with power greater than this creature can't block it unless they have reach.)
Green and red decks would normally have troubles dealing with skulk creatures because their creatures typically have high power and since green has access to reach and red has been given more reach creatures like Nimble Birdsticker, Robber of the Rich, Turret Ogre, Brimstone Trebuchet etc. I think having skulk or a modified version of the skulk keyword would really make games more exciting and varied.
What are your thoughts on the Skulk keyword?
triproberts12 says... #3
Probably not happening. Maro's official Storm Scale review:
"Popularity: Unpopular
We created skulk as a possible evergreen mechanic for blue-black. Our experiment went very poorly. For starters, players didn't particularly like it.
Design Space: Small
Then we found out that it was hard to design for. It only went on creatures and didn't mean anything on larger creatures, so we ended up with something that was interesting on only a handful of cards.
Versatility: Neutral
There was a little bit of interaction, but not a lot. Not enough to encourage us to make it evergreen.
Development: Neutral
The mechanic wasn't particularly hard to develop but did turn out to be hard to process, and that was a bit trickier to fix.
Playability: Playability Not Affected
The only thing in this category was that it was a bit harder to process than we realized when we made it.
Storm Scale Rating: 7
The experiment was a big failure. The mechanic was unpopular, hard to design, and hard to process in play. I am skeptical it will return, but maybe if the right world comes along."
greyninja says... #2
Behind the Scenes is pretty solid in Doran, the Siege Tower
January 26, 2020 7:33 p.m.