Ikoria and C20 Review
General forum
Posted on April 22, 2020, 9:01 a.m. by Suns_Champion
Hello all!
My favorite MTG podcast, the Legendary Creature Podcast, did a set review for Ikoria and C20 featuring their patrons!
As patrons, we got to review a legendary creature for the podcast! Tons of fun and a great thing to listen to if you want a good overview of each legend from the two sets!
Listen here or wherever you listen to podcasts: C20 & Ikoria Legends | Reviewed by Patrons | Part 1
(Hear my review of Winota, Joiner of Forces in part 2!)
Suns_Champion says... #3
Well, it’s less of a plug for myself than it is for the Legendary Creature podcast, of which I am only a patron.
If you came looking for a set review or analysis of the set, you only need to click the link.
Just wanted to share what is, in my opinion, the coolest set review this release. Posting outside links to MTG related content has always been allowed :)
April 23, 2020 10:06 a.m.
Magnanimous says... #4
Yeah, guess I was just disappointed that this wasn't what I was expecting.
Next time you should title it something like "Podcast I really like" so it's clear what this is.
Magnanimous says... #2
Is posting a blatant plug like this considered inappropriate here?
Read the title and expected some analysis of the new set or questions about it, got an advertisement instead.
April 23, 2020 9:05 a.m.