I'm Officially Leaving Tapped Out
General forum
Posted on Aug. 3, 2020, 5:03 p.m. by Deadpoo111
In June, I decided to take an extended break from using Tapped Out Forums. I posted decks occasionally, maybe commented on a fun idea here and there, but other than that, I avoided it. I've come to realize that this site is a community that I truly cherish, full of fun, innovative and helpful people, but it's also full of unnecessary drama that comes off as children arguing over the stupidest shit. I know this because I took part in it! I was right there alongside users like SynergyBuild arguing over deck prices and ideas like a child over some sense of "honor" or "reputation" like it actually mattered.
Taking a step back has allowed me to see how ridiculous the drama on this site is. Today, I stepped back onto TappedOut, ready to start taking part in the community I knew, when I saw a "Drama" post detailing a long feud between two users where one decided to try and involve the whole website. Do you know what they were arguing about? A new format! Clearly things haven't changed in the slightest.
So I'm leaving, I just don't want to deal with drama when I'm just trying to get some feedback on my decks. I know I wasn't a hugely popular user on the site, but I'm still sorry if I've disappointed anyone who followed my decks or were looking for updates/feedback.
However, I have decided that I'll be exporting my decks to Archidekt! It's a great site, and it's even linked with EDHREC, so it'll be fun to mess with the stats officially.
I'm using this week to transfer all my decks over, so if you've got anything to say, or anything you'd like from me before I go, you've got until 08/07/2020.
Finally, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank some people on this site who are important to me:
5dollarMTG: I really appreciate your awesome decks, I wouldn't be playing modern online without your inspiration
Caerwyn: I would like to thank you for always looking out for me in the forums and doing your best to keep this site less-toxic.
TypicalTimmy: I really look up to you as a deck builder and your comment on my weird tokens deck always fills me with joy when I read it. It really meant a lot to have someone I look up to enjoy the deck I made.
Suns_Champion: I seriously think you're the biggest inspiration for my work. I really appreciate your comments on my $10 deck and my Godzilla deck. They mean a lot and have helped me continue my weird crusade in commander.
Destroyander: Your comment on my $10 deck really inspired me. It's hard to imagine that someone would look up to me as a brewer, but comments like yours really help me out.
Megantrongriffin: Your comment on my $10 deck really kept me inspired.
bushido_man96: Your help with my Godzilla deck is invaluable, thank you for working so diligently with me.
0rc: You carry on my Staang Legacy and I couldn't think of anyone better, I am honored to have you represent Stanng on this site.
I'd just like to thank the community for putting up with my janky-ness for the better part of 2 and a half years as well as every single user who ha commented on my decks and helped me throughout my career, you guys are really great, and I'll miss you.
(I will try to respond to comments when I can, but I've got a lot of decks to transfer lol.)
Sincerely, Alexander Walter Newton AKA Deadpoo111
I get where you're coming from, but it's still always sad to see community members leave.
I was part of the League of Legends Riot hosted website forums for almost a decade and participated in it daily, helped moderate it for a time, and was instrumental in a number of reforms including initiating community moderators. Unfortunately that forum was plagued with issues, divisiveness and toxicity were rampant, Riot essentially didn't care about their own platform, and community members often left for various reasons. The entire site was demolished earlier in the year (though I'd already left the site myself some time before for many of the reasons listed) and I couldn't help but feel immensely saddened by the loss.
I think it's in the nature of the internet as a platform that the bad comes along with the good (just as it does in real life) and sometimes this can be bittersweet, or even intolerable for some folks. The world might be a mostly negative place filled with mostly negative people, but there are always positive things and individuals among it all that are very much worth the time and energy invested to discover them. I hope your future away from Tapped Out is filled with wonderful new things and that, in time, you might find your way back here if the circumstances allow it.
Best wishes mate, and good luck.
August 3, 2020 5:38 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #4
Sorry to see you go! Thanks for the kind words; they mean a lot! Maybe it's a good time to check out Archidect, too!
August 3, 2020 5:42 p.m.
Sorry to see you go! It's unfortunate that the actions of a few can be so influential. I've had almost 100% positive interactions on the site. We'll be here if you ever want to venture back. :)
August 3, 2020 5:44 p.m.
Suns_Champion says... #6
Thank you for the kind words. Safe travels, friend!
August 3, 2020 7:20 p.m.
Daveslab2022 says... #7
We haven’t had the pleasure of interacting together but you seem like a real cool person, best of luck!
August 3, 2020 8:01 p.m.
Chromium_Overseer says... #9
I respect your decision. I almost did the same thing myself. Happy travels!
August 4, 2020 9:21 a.m.
Hope you like Archidekt. I've looked at it before and I found the site a little less helpful organizationally personally.
I know we never really interacted, but I'm sorry to see you go.
August 4, 2020 9:53 a.m.
Stardragon says... #11
Hey sorry to see you leave do i hope the best of luck to and even if don't remember thxs for helping me out on some of my decks. I deleted almost all of my old decks when i was also going to leave but i remember you had help me on some of those
August 4, 2020 10:49 a.m.
If you want to take part in forums you don't have to take part in drama. Drama will follow you anywhere humans choose to congregate and talk about things. It has nothing to do with Tappedout.
August 4, 2020 6:35 p.m.
me too i made a seperate account that i occasionaly post on but this website is filled with useless drama, and you have to devote too much time to it if you truly want to be a memeber of it bye
August 6, 2020 5:16 p.m.
You honor me, Deadpoo111. On the note of ‘leaving’: I find that it is best to obtain input from as many sources as possible. Expand your reach. There is far more than T/O, which is itself a great resource, but one of many. Good luck to you and don’t hesitate to reach out.
P.S. On the topic of drama: just disregard it. I’m impervious to it merely because I don’t pay it any mind. Food for thought :)
Caerwyn says... #2
Sorry to hear you are going! Best of luck to you, and may you draw well.
August 3, 2020 5:37 p.m.