I'm thinking about making video content related to Magic, but I have no starting point in mind...
General forum
Posted on June 25, 2017, 10:11 p.m. by SketchyScribbler
Hi there!
This is kind of hard to phrase, but basically I want to make video content over topics related to EDH and/or MTG in general. Kind of like The Command Zone or Tolarian Community College for example.
I have the programs and the education needed to make said content, but I have no idea where to start.
Anyone have any ideas for topics to cover and/or you would be interested in watching?
You know what I'd LOVE to see?
A video series about different characters/people who play Magic.
Someone in their 80s who's still killing it at FNM
A six year old ace who beats people twice their age with ease.
Someone with a mental illness who uses Magic as a way to get out of the house/connect with others.
A Seller who makes a living out of trading in cards.
Someone with a huge collection of hard to get cards.
A Pro who has played on the international circuit for many years.
A couple who met through Magic and got married.
Someone who has taught their children how to play Magic and now runs their own tournaments at home.
June 26, 2017 2:35 a.m.
Similar to what Argy said, I have a lot of interesting faces at my LGS. If I had the equipment, time, and know-how I would love to do a video series exploring the "Different faces of Magic". The idea being I could sit down each week with one of the local "Big faces" of my LGS (the ones that are there every week, and everyone recognizes even if they don't know them personally), and do little interviews with them, talking points being "What got you into magic?" "Why do you still play magic" "what is your favorite part about magic?" "What does Magic mean to you?" "Memorable magic stories?" "Important magic lessons" etc. From there, as I run out of the big people, I could start spreading out to the average Johnnys, and maybe to other LGSs. You never know what cool stories someone has.
June 26, 2017 12:44 p.m.
BlueElectivire says... #5
I would actually love to see EDH based content! This is one of the most popular formats in magic and i would love to see more content about it on youtube and i can't really bear sitting through an ENTIRE episode of The Command Zone. It would be great to see another content creator and if you feel passionate and excited about making such content you should totally do that! You could do whatever ranging from tips&tricks videos to gameplay like Game Knights.
abby315 says... #2
What part of the game are you most passionate about? Can you make a series based on that?
People click on videos because of cool titles, catchy thumbnails and description, and promotion. But people WATCH and FOLLOW vids that are interesting and consistent both with regards to schedule and tone. If youre passionate about a thing, chances are 1) you'll be more likely to put out consistent content because you won't get super stuck or bored and 2) that energy will come out in front of the camera to make an engaging video.
So unless you want to make strictly informative videos, imho that's where you should start, then pick a way to make it a shtick or a series.
So. Rules? Old sets? Casual/comp EDH? Combos? Nonbos? Jank? Multiplayer? Finance?
What gets you psyched about the game?
Edit: not to say you'd have to make a series where each vid you talk about a different rule or something. You could also make it just your shtick--you're the rules-happy person who always talks about EDH happenings through cool interactions & whatever. See how a lot of the popular Magic content producers talk about recent events WRT finance.
Also if you decide you want to move forward with a series, get in touch with me! I run the social media stuff for T/O :)
June 26, 2017 1:25 a.m. Edited.