In a bit of a statistics conundrum...
General forum
Posted on May 30, 2016, 4:03 p.m. by zandl
I've always been under the impression that the following is true:
In Two-Headed Giant and between two decks, it's always better to have a full playset of a card together in one deck rather than splitting them up say, 2 and 2. In my head, it makes sense as your odds of your team drawing that spell are at its highest.
However, the math I'm doing is rather plainly counterintuitive to this. Drawing 1 specific card out of 60 (just for the sake of statistics) is 1/60 or ~1.7%. This puts drawing 1 card of a playset at ~6.7%.
When looking at the odds of drawing a spell that's a 2-of, the number is ~3.4%, but together out of 2 decks is still ~6.7%, since both decks draw at the same time.
I feel like there's something I'm not taking into consideration because my brain says my first thoughts were correct, and that's usually an indicator that my math is wrong.
Help plz?
Why out of 40? The actual number of cards doesn't matter so long as that's the base we use for all the calculations.
Also, drawing 1 out of 60 is 1.7%.... 1 divided by 60 = .01667. 2/40 isn't even 1.7%... not sure where your numbers are coming from.
Do you have anything to add regarding my actual question or...?
May 30, 2016 5:13 p.m. Edited.
oops, I read it wrong.
looking at your math, yes. they're the same, technically, but the density at which they are at is probably the reason why it seems to be higher.
and out of 40 b/c usually 2 headed giant is limited (at least in my area) so I just assumed.
first off, this should be out of 40 not 60.
second, you got your numbers switched. drawing a 2 of is at 1.7 and 4 is at 3.4.
basic multiplication, dudebro
May 30, 2016 4:29 p.m.