Infect gets to run Cavern of Souls now...
General forum
Posted on June 29, 2021, 2:52 a.m. by Metroid_Hybrid
Yeah, that's right. Exactly what the title says!!
You may ask: which particular Infect deck(s), and in what format(s)? Show
In all seriousness, I say this because of the recent(ish) addition of the "Phyrexian" subtype has literally homogenized every single creature with Infect under a single "Tribe".
Think about it...
Virtually any & all dedicated Infect decks are now effectively "Phyrexian Tribal" decks as well. This means that Infect players in every format where they exist can now play a Cavern of Souls & name: Phyrexian..
wallisface says... #3
Yeah i think infect loses waaay more than it gains from being a tribe.
I’m not even convinced it runs Caverns as theres only 2 creatures (8 cards) that will benefit from not being countered, while it shits of your ability to use that mana efficiently for all the various buffing spells the deck runs. I think Caverns prolly hurts the deck more than helps it tbh.
June 29, 2021 6:11 a.m.
Uncounterable Spellskite seems pretty strong though if you’re running it in infect. Being able to make Phyrexian Crusader uncounterable could make it an even stronger sideboard card as well.
June 29, 2021 10:57 a.m.
It also provides more flexible color fixing for Plague Stinger as you can use the land as a black source. Might be good if you only want to run one or two copies without destroying your manabase over it.
June 29, 2021 11:08 a.m.
wallisface, I feel like infect could help curb the mana-fixing issue just by running a Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth or two. I also think Abundant Growth isn't a bad solution to the problem as its a 1-mana cantrip which may serve as an alternative over giving your opponent access to green.
June 29, 2021 11:32 a.m.
Metroid_Hybrid says... #7
I think those whose still play the archetype in Legacy would be the most giggity overall. But I think anything that helps balance the introduction of Counterspell into Modern is a good thing too..
June 29, 2021 4:07 p.m.
xtechnetia says... #8
Infect doesn't really fear counterspells as much as it fears cheap, easy removal. Lava Dart 's entry into Modern probably did way more to hurt the deck than Counterspell 's entry did.
June 29, 2021 4:40 p.m.
wallisface says... #9
StopShot Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth doesn’t justify running Caverns because you can’t rely on drawing/playing it. And half your deck are pump spells that will be heavily hindered from Caverns presence.
Abundant Growth is also really slow for a deck that wants to win on turn 2 or 3. Counter magic isn’t a big threat for infect and it’s not, imo, worth dawdling about for a turn just to make an awkward land functional.
It feels like people are trying to force a square-cube into a circle-hole, when the deck doesn’t really have any need for the card to begin with. I appreciate that people are trying to see the glass “half-full” with the phyrexian update, but there really are no meaningful gains to be had for infect
June 29, 2021 7:03 p.m. Edited.
I can’t think of any time I’d want to run a Cavern of Souls in my infect decks, except maybe as a sideboard one-off in legacy along with Crop Rotation . And even then, an additional Daze or Spellskite is usually just better and more flexible. I can’t use the cavern to name a creature type, and still benefit for being able to use it to cast a pump or protection spell next turn other then say Apostle's Blessing . Like it was said earlier, counterspell sing our creatures is less of a concern then killing them or countering our pump spells. I’m not sure about anyone else but I’m already running a fairly minimum mana base with Inkmoth Nexus taking up 1/5 of it, I don’t have room for a card that won’t make me colored mana.
The suggestion to run Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth however, that I can see myself running.
July 2, 2021 6:43 a.m.
Metroid_Hybrid says... #12
Back when I played Modern years ago, I experimented with Mono- and variants of Infect. These were more of a Midrange/Control type of decks, and as a result, tended to have lower creature counts. Therefore, few things hurt like having your only creature countered..
I eventually had moved on to Legacy piloting -Eldrazi Stompy, and it was incredibly satisfying seeing my opponents cringe when their Force of Will s suddenly become worthless against my Thought-Knot Seer & friends..
So I have been kind of surprised to find out that I seem to be the only one who cares.. I'm still going to slide one into my Brokkos Infect deck though..
July 2, 2021 9:30 p.m.
EleshNornsFs says... #13
Metroid_Hybrid Brokkos Infect, you say? I think you are my new best friend. I love running Brokkos in the 99 of my Atraxa infect.
sergiodelrio says... #2
Plague Engineer having a good time
June 29, 2021 3:17 a.m.