Irish Champion... 2 times in a row!
General forum
Posted on Aug. 21, 2010, 3:45 p.m. by cardcoin
The irish Nationals passed by last weekend, but incase anyone was not looking at the 'week that was' article, then you might wanna check out the below link.
Impressive Turn out for the tourney considering the amount of folk who play Magic over here, but more so was the decks that made top 8. If you guys are gonna be tourney playing any time soon, you might wanna check this out...
lol, yeah, pretty... strange. Still, I wonder if he was to flog it how much he'd get for it compared to a normal Baneslayer Angel lol.
Most of the guys in the Ireland nationals report section are folk who I know and play with/against from time to time.
Gargar is a feckin' awesome deckbuilder, but seriously, how he scrubbed out of the event so early is beyond me. (he played a similar deck to Chris's one)
Connor Holmes (the chap in the middle of the pic taken last year holding the bit of paper) is also one of the more respected Magic players in Northern Ireland at this time. But he didn't want to discuss how he faired simply because I suspect he too fell apart on day 1.
Simon Carmichael's Vampires deck is also one folk should look at. If there is ever any proof that Vampires are not a threatening deck then they should seriously think again (after looking at that build) :)
I attempted to qualify through LCQ. I played a sealed event and my deck didn't work out... Just seemed to have Nothing but bad land draws.
I could have attempted the Constructed LCQ but alas, time, and real life took over and I had to regretably scrub, hence why there was no report so apologies to anyone who was expecting one.
August 21, 2010 5:20 p.m.
nammertime says... #4
For most of us, Magic is a hobby. If it isn't now 'cause it's actually a career goal (being a tournament player or whatever), it will eventually become a hobby anyway. So, don't worry about not having a report or not showing due to other responsibilities, haha.
August 21, 2010 5:43 p.m.
Very interested in trading these, perhaps, if somebody has enough of my binder they want, for one of my Eldrazi legend wants. Otherwise shocks are always good.
nammertime says... #2
The Chinese guy is holding a trophy with... a Baneslayer inside? That's both pretty sad and pretty cool at the same time, lol.
August 21, 2010 4 p.m.