Is Adapt Completely Superior to Monstrosity?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 6, 2020, 10:13 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
In this article, Mark Rosewater revealed that WotC was considering bringing back monstrosity for Theros: Beyond Death, but I am very glad that they did not, because I believe that adapt is completely superior to it, because that mechanic can (theoretically) be used multiple times, whereas monstrosity can be used only once.
What does everyone else say about this subject? Do you believe that adapt is completely superior to monstrosity?
DemonDragonJ says... #3
triproberts12, that is true, but, if a creature with monstrosity somehow loses its +1/+1 counters after its ability has been activated, its ability cannot be activated, again. Rosewater even commented that that memory issue is what led to the creation of adapt.
triproberts12 says... #2
Nope. If you're running a deck with +1/+1 counter synergies, you can't put a single counter on an Adapt creature without turning off its ability. With Monstrous, the designation isn't based on whether it has counters or not.
January 6, 2020 11:40 p.m.