Is it Rude to Make Jokes About Tapping Creatures?
General forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2019, 8:04 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
The players and fandom of this game make no shortage of jokes about tapping creatures, usually online, but I wonder if doing so when actually playing the game is rude or inappropriate.
For example, if a male player was playing against a female opponent, summoned a creature that depicted a female character in its artwork, and then made a joke about tapping that creature, would that be rude? I myself cannot speak for everyone, but, if I were playing against a female opponent, I would exercise caution and not make such jokes, to avoid offending my opponent.
What does everyone else say about this? Is it rude to make jokes about tapping creatures?
Honestly like yeah. It's also really annoying.
So I haven't been subject to them. But like I remember playing with a play group at a college I used to go to that said "of course the Muslim blew up the field" every time I cast a board wipe or "oh shit terrorist attack" Everytime I cast a burn spell.
It's obnoxious and frankly very rude to make semi-bigoted or very bigoted jokes when playing against someone that is part of that demographic. Don't do it.
September 26, 2019 9:14 p.m.
Honestly, it’s a crime against the very institution of humour. It’s a tired, crass joke that is so uninspired that I doubt it ever was funny in the first place. That holds true regardless of what gender the players might happen to be.
As an aside, most female players don’t like when their opponents give them specialised treatment. Treat everyone with respect - if something might be inappropriate for one person, it probably would be for anyone you don’t know well.
September 26, 2019 9:56 p.m.
Also another thing is that over time this stuff builds up. Like even if your used to stuff like that it builds up.
Easy answer: just don't be an jerk. Like try just being chill and if you're gonna make a joke, you can pick one that isn't a total asshole move.
September 26, 2019 11:09 p.m.
I think more so you're just making yourself look like a creepy pervert. Keep a spray bottle filled with water by your side and when you have those thoughts spray yourself like a misbehaving cat.
September 27, 2019 2:14 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #8
Those jokes are low hanging fruit, be a little more inventive. Just because its common online(dont know where you're seeing this though) doesn't make it okay. Also, don't hit on men or women like that. It feels low class to do and be on the receiving end of mediocre at best, but thoroughly off putting and creepy at worst jokes.
That all being said, a lot of card names are already almost puns on their own; if you really feel the need to flex your punny bone, you could build a deck around the idea.
September 28, 2019 2:36 a.m.
play a lot more mtg, at that point the tap a creature jokes are too boring to even bring up. Hell bringing up those jokes are usually a sign of the player's experience... hmm maybe I should say those jokes more often, it might lower their guard a bit more than just actively fishing up their possible plays (I often playtest vs myself way to much).
September 28, 2019 9:13 a.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #10
I do appreciate the responses that everyone here has given, and I assure you that I am very polite and respectful to all people in all of my interactions, including when I play this game or other games. I do not recall if I ever actually have made a joke about tapping creatures, nor do I plan to make a regular habit of doing so in the future.
enpc says... #2
If you have to ask, then that should be enough of an answer for you.
Know your audience and read the room. But rule number one is don't be a creep. This should be applied in all facets of life.
September 26, 2019 8:23 p.m.