Is there a feature where I can type a card name and it tells me which of my decks the card is in?
General forum
Posted on Jan. 15, 2019, 10:13 p.m. by projectneptune
Pretty much the title.
I have several decks, and sometimes I know I have a cards but don't remember which deck it is in. All my decks are in tappedout and it'd be a godsend to be able to type the card name in somewhere and have tappedout tell me which deck(s) the card is in.
projectneptune says... #3
Hey clayperce, thanks for the reply. It feels like a roundabout way but I don't need anything complex for my purposes, so this should work!
Thank you
January 17, 2019 12:39 a.m.
projectneptune, clayperce: I have another option for you both as well. I had the same exact problem a while back, but now I click the "Sync With Inventory" checkbox on the deck Edit page on every single one of my decks (that I actually own in paper--which is a lot... cuz I play pauper =P ).
Once you have all your decks in your Inventory, you can access your Inv. through the same tab that has "decks," "friends," "followers" and all that. There's a search option there that I literally use all the time to keep track of what's where.
Hope that helps out also.
clayperce says... #2
There may be a better way to do it, but the Advanced Search can get pretty close. It's under the magnifying glass icon in the upper right, then Deck Search, then Advanced Search.
For example, here's a search using my username as a keyword and Stomping Ground as the card I'm looking for.
As hoped, it returns all the decks I've built with the card. Unfortunately, it also catches any decks that I've commented on with the card. But it's relatively easy to ignore those, so maybe that'll work for you ...
Draw well!
January 16, 2019 12:06 p.m.