Is there a time when you want to slap your opponent?

General forum

Posted on May 27, 2013, 6:21 p.m. by epicsnailman

Has there ever been a time where you made a little mistake and go to correct it but your opponent doesn't let you? Even when its relatively casual magic. Have you ever had a judge called on you because you shuffled your deck with six stacks instead of eight? This kind of stuff, at least in my opinion is very unsportsmanlike. This game is meant to bring people together and its meant to be fun. I think that if people don't want to play you, you are playing wrong. Does this bother anyone else? Sorry if this sounds like a rage!

Feel free to say what you think or say your own experiences -Epicsnailman

A lot of competitive players are like that. They don't care about the fundamentals of the game or about having fun. They care only about winning and nothing more. It don't matter if you blink the wrong way, they won't let you change it no matter how casual, cause they don't wanna lose. There is really no hope for these players to become less uptight and more fun, but thankfully not all competitive players are like that.

As far as the pile shuffle goes, there is no wrong way to do it. You can divide it up into two or more stacks if you wish. The number of piles is irrelevant, so long as they aren't rigging it and refusing to shuffle afterwards or let you cut the deck.

May 27, 2013 6:44 p.m.

The reason you can't use 6 stacks is because it makes it easy to stack your deck. There was an article about this some time ago, the player showed you could stack your deck by pile shuffling with 6 stacks a few times. Its best to do a combination of everything. Riffle, stack, riffle, stack and you should be good.

But yes, there are some players who play like this all of the time. I make it my job to beat them and I then go back to my friends and joke about them. If you play on a competitive level, all aspects of your play have to be flawless and by the books, otherwise you risk a judge getting called on you.

May 27, 2013 7:30 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #4

And then there are players who play Magic for fun and still do good. But they still will call a judge on an illegal draw.

May 27, 2013 7:32 p.m.

toysm1th says... #5

nope normally i want to slap myself for making those dumb ass plays, and i never take them back, or back step. i live with my screw up and the results...

May 27, 2013 8:10 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #6

My buddy had this deck he borrowed from our other friend, it was a grixis Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas superfriends deck during New Phyrexia game day. So pre JTMS ban. This guys picked up his deck, commented on the "distracting" sleeves, pushed every card completely into its sleeve and then shuffled it half a dozen times.

Needless to say my friend was a little cheesed since it wasn't even his was beyond his faculties to run it, and the RDW player proceeded to wipe the floor with him.

Some players want to win so bad tact goes out the window.

May 27, 2013 10:59 p.m.

mmdw34 says... #7

Dont even get me started on this. I play at a shop where alot of the people there are legit pros and go to PTQ and grand prix. And you know I understand your use to a more competitive level thats fine, but you have the wannabe pros who are just kids whos parent give them to much money to spend on magic... I played a kid who I was about to wipe the floor with my token deck, he plays dissipate which I knew he would counter my cheap spell while I had voice in, im going to grab a token for the elemental and i pass over to him, I lay the token down and he tells me I cant do that because I missed the trigger for it and called judge and completely lies to the judge which ends up costing me the game... another guy kept calling judge on me because I took like 5 minutes to think out how attack damage would play out and accuses me of slow play, the judge literally told the kid off and told him you cannot rush an opponent who takes a few seconds to think things out. and last but not least I play a kid with my mill deck, this kid has a 300$ deck and mine is literally just all mill garbage, mill him out first game he goes to cut my deck and just throws it all over my mat then I mill him out second game and he throws his stuff and tells me I should play a real deck and im garbage..... lol you just lost to mill you should probably just quit magic all together buddy. But theres plenty of people who I would love to knock out because they are to serious.

May 27, 2013 11:25 p.m.

@mmdw34: That last one is EXACTLY what my post was about. People who just can't handle a loss, regardless of how they lost. The first one is just plain old cheating, which you should expect from a brat who gets everything handed to him on a silver platter. The second one sounds like me on an asshole level. I am a quick player, and will often ask if it is my turn cause I am excited or just wanna do something. However, I wouldn't go THAT far, as I too take a good amount of time planning attacks.

May 27, 2013 11:50 p.m.

mmdw34 says... #9

@UmbrotheUmbreon Exaclty if you cant handle losing go play by yourself then you cant lose lol. The absolute worse is this guy was in draft and he ended up losing and he threw all of his cards against the wall and stormed out.... never saw the guy again people are crazy

May 27, 2013 11:59 p.m.

@mmdw34: Yeah some people can do crazy things over something as trivial as a card game. It's kinda pathetic to be honest. No one likes to lose but come on. Whenever you play a game there is going to be a winner and a loser, and you can't always be the winner. Suck up and deal with it. If this was for like, your life or the life of a loved one I could understand the frustration but seriously....

May 28, 2013 12:02 a.m.

BiggRedd54 says... #11

Me and my opponent were on turn 5 of turns( my turn). I had him at 2 life with no cards in library....i end my turn. He looks me straight in the eye, extends his hand towards me, and says "looks like we tied." -___-

May 28, 2013 12:17 a.m.

That is actually pretty funny biggredd54, assuming when you told him you won he didn't flip out or anything xD

May 28, 2013 1:02 a.m.

hochmaster says... #13

I was playing a friend of mine over Skype, and I played Goldnight Redeemer , with a health total of 6, with 3 Goldnight Commander s out there and 26 1/1 humans. So I gained 58 health and I was at 64, then I did Ajani, Caller of the Pride 's ultimate, and got 64 2/2 cats, which worked awesomely with the commanders, and gave everyone +172/+172, then I attacked with everyone and won massively by God knows HOW much, and my friend called me a fat cunt and ragequit the call. This is a case of "I wanna slap you because you just witnessed the greatest win in all of 1/1 token history, and didn't immediately bow to its might".

May 28, 2013 1:11 a.m.

Damn, but I think I have you beat on Ajani's ultimate. I had my life total at 192 once, Ajani at 9 counters. The only thing that kept me from ultimating him was the Sever the Bloodline in my opponent's graveyard. :P

May 28, 2013 2:04 a.m.

Denial048 says... #15

At FNM I was playing my Trostani deck, only had one copy of Ajani in there. It was game three, and my opponent knew the game was over (I was at 296 life, Trostani and 10 other creatures out with Ajani at 6) but he wanted to keep playing to see me Ultimate Ajani. Man, that was an awesome moment.... 296 2/2 Cat tokens, I gained 592 life, and then attacked with a Wayfaring Temple with Rancor ....

May 28, 2013 4:28 a.m.

acbooster says... #16

I was playing at a local FNM and my first opponent insisted on calling the judge over every damn turn because he thought I was cheating. Before he called the judge each time, I even explained to him and showed him the rules saying what I was doing was legit. About halfway through the first game the judge just stopped coming over since he knew the kid was just bullshitting. Needless to say I destroyed his $700+ deck with a $30 budget Izzet burn deck. Blistercoil Weird and Dual Casting is so much fun.

May 28, 2013 8:26 a.m.

hochmaster says... #17


I didn't need quite so many tokens from ajani, my whole deck strategy there was using the commanders to just have a massive rape army. Worst of all, my opponent/friend thought he could win with a Kingpin's Pet with Holy Mantle and Gift of Orzhova on it. Silly goose.

May 28, 2013 8:31 a.m.

Rayenous says... #18

I want to slap my opponents every time they play an Island .

May 28, 2013 9:29 a.m.

TheLameSauce says... #19

Every time this guy in my playgroup plays his Enchanted Evening deck I want to smack him. I have never seen anyone lose to it, every time it "goes off" and either destroys everything, or everything he doesn't control, everyone just quits. It is the least fun deck I have ever played against, because there is no win condition except "everyone else ragequits".

May 28, 2013 10:17 a.m.

cooknathan says... #20

We used to have this guy in our playgroup, he was a bad winner and a terrible loser who would complain and ragequit at the first hint of a game not going his way. MTG, video games other board games philosophical/political arguments always the same and the loss would be blamed on cheating/chance/poor team mates etc etc lol

We played this one very memorable game of "risk godstorm" one night though. There were a handful of us playing, having a good time. With a few turns left of the game he attacked someone, got some unlucky rolls and lost most of his army. He started the usual complaining then quit and he fell asleep on the floor next to the board as we were all starting our final turn. The rest of our massive armies proceeded to annihilate eachothers armies but, by chance, not his. We noticed that our remaining armies were spread quite thin, we thought that we would take his last turn for him out of interest. It turns out that his remaining army retook most of europe landing him the victory even though he was asleep. We woke and congratulated him on the win.

From then on when he was losing we would remind him how he was good enough to literally beat all of us in his sleep. He moved away a few years back but we still joke about him.

May 28, 2013 11:32 a.m.

cooknathan says... #21 MTG my current playgroup rocks and the few stores that I play at sometimes are pretty good. Ive only played at one higher level comp and the people there were friendly.

One this that does annoy me is when people are over competitive and impatient with new/young players often scaring them off.

May 28, 2013 11:35 a.m.

hiddengibbons says... #22

I think post #1 nailed it. I learned that if the Delver of Secrets  Flip is transformed and you want to tap it with Tamiyo's ability, you have to say "Insectile Aberration" rather than "Delver" even if you clearly point at the card. But stuff like that doesn't make me want to slap the dude, it just makes me want to help him get a significant other. Its my theory that some people get so uptight about it and knit-pick because magic is the only thing they have going. A few weeks ago I was playing a casual game with my girlfriend. I used Jace's Ultimate to make us both draw 20 cards because I was trying to get her to deck out faster. This put the Black Vise in her hand which I had forgotten was in her deck and of course I also had Tamiyo's Emblem so I basically killed myself. I think losing in really ridiculous ways is fun sometimes too.

May 28, 2013 3:13 p.m.

elavate7 says... #23

whens a good time? whenever they say something out of order! lol

May 28, 2013 9:17 p.m.

gamedeviant says... #24

Played a girl new to magic today at FNM. We were running a modern event. I had to call the judge once. She hadn't read the magic rules, she was just crash coursed into it. So, I figured having a judge explain why she couldn't drop a second Jace, Memory Adept was better than her not believing me about it.

June 8, 2013 1:04 a.m.

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