Is vintage Superfriends possible?
General forum
Posted on Aug. 23, 2016, 4:29 a.m. by 123katty
Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast has been spoiled. It's probably going to be great in Vintage, just like Dack Fayden was. I was thinking: Would a grixis Superfriends/Goodstuff deck be possible? Like, you could run Daretti, Dack, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, and maybe even Liliana of the Veil (probably not though). I don't know much about the Vintage metagame, but this sounds like it could be pulled off. Thoughts?
EDIT: Posted in General because there isn't a Vintage forum.
Maybe I'm just missing something, but Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast doesn't seem especially good in Vintage to me. His +1 doesn't really do anything, his -1 is OK but not exactly worth running the card to get access to and his ultimate...well a planeswalker's viability is never really dictated by their ultimate because it's just so unlikely you'll get to use it.
August 23, 2016 5:02 a.m.
Darretti isnt a known quantity yet but there are decks that can use him. At 3 mana he is cheap enough and the ability to sac a mox or something to kill a mentor in a way that can't be countered by force/mental etc is pretty relevant. He also works well in Welder decks so we need to wait and see.
Currently the walkers Ive seen in Vintage recently are JTMS, Nahiri the Harbinger, Bant Tamiyo and Tezzs. PW control is a thing either Nahiri based for cheat Emrakul or Jace based cause ulting him is a win.
August 23, 2016 5:12 a.m.
Shane.Allen says... #6
I don't see daretti being used at all in vintage and this coming from someone that knows the vintage meta game and plays it. while you're fooling around trying t cast your planeswalkers I've already combed off turn 2 or 3 and that was with me maybe not even countering al your stuff.
August 23, 2016 8:58 a.m.
eh the only ones ive seen are Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip, Dack Fayden. You can check lists out on mtggoldfish, for example.
all of these are a lot less contingent than daretti which doesnt really do much unless you have other stuff down (must sac attifact to remove anything and makes tokens with defender)
Dylan says... #2
August 23, 2016 4:50 a.m.