Jumpstart Tokens idea
General forum
Posted on Oct. 26, 2020, 8:17 a.m. by Argy
I enjoy Jumpstart, but there are far too many different Tokens created by the decks.
I came up with this idea, which has worked for us. Thought others might be interested. Apologies if it's already been suggested.
We use empty white sleeves, write the Token information on them in erasable texta, then just wipe them clean with a tissue, at the end of the game.
Due to only being a sleeve, it is easy to fit quite a few of them into a box.
I have attached a texta to the top of one of my boxes with Velcro, so that It always travels with the Jumpstart kit.
Here are some pictures.
The only downside is that you need to be aware that, if your hand comes into contact with the writing, it is quite easy for it to rub off.
We haven't had any problems, but that doesn't mean that others wouldn't.
You're welcome.
You can use any light-coloured sleeve.
My friend uses pink.
October 26, 2020 11:16 a.m.
I've seen a few people use index cards as a more permanent solution. But I like this idea as well. Just make sure the ink comes off easy
October 26, 2020 12:37 p.m.
It looks like you are using a dry erase marker--have you tried using a wet erase one? I find dry erase tends to smear when handling it, which could be problematic if you are turning things sideways or constantly moving them between the battlefield and a state of non-existence. I'd also be worried about the dry erase residue getting on my fingers then on my cards.
I use wet erase for a whole lot of D&D related things, and their marks tend to be fairly stable after a few seconds and stand up to handling fairly well.
October 26, 2020 1:31 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #7
I’ve seen some white-board-style cards like these used at my local shop. Probably some “official” ones like this online. A great idea!
October 26, 2020 2:06 p.m.
Nice idea, but i would rather carry a deckbox full of the tokens needed. I like seeing goblins on my goblin tokens :D
October 26, 2020 3:45 p.m.
shadow63 you only need to wipe the texta off with something like a tissue, or a paper towel.
We've used these over and over, and had no problems wiping them clean.
Caerwyn yes, we are using dry erase.
In an earlier version of this topic I said that people needed to be aware that, if their hand comes into contact with the writing, it is quite easy for it to rub off.
I will amend the OP.
I went back and forth about what type of texta to use.
Using permanent texta means that you then also need to carry around some type of cleaning fluid, or wait until you get home to clean them.
We go through quite a few Tokens in my Jumpstart playgroup, making it so that ones we can erase straight away is important.
I can also say, from experience, that you really don't accidentally rub your hands along Tokens on the field.
It's more when you move them to somewhere else.
We make a place to pile Tokens no longer in use, and no one has ended up with ink on their hands yet.
Of course people can decide to use permanent texta if they want. That's the beauty of the system - adapt it to suit your own style.
FormOverFunction I thought about making some cards out of white cardboard that had been laminated.
As I thought more about it I went with sleeves because:
It was much easier to set up. Grab some sleeves and a non-permanent texta and bang, you are set.
Using sleeves means they don't take up much space in your Jumpstart kit. I have one and a half boxes full of cards, and like to be able to just grab them whenever I'm on the move. You can see my setup in the second photo.
If people have more storage room than me in their Jumpstart kit, they might prefer Tokens that feel a bit more like cards.
October 27, 2020 2:52 a.m.
smackjack I would much prefer the actual Tokens.
This might come down to how many packs of Jumpstart you are playing around with.
If you've got a small number of packs then getting Tokens isn't such a big issue. That's usually what I do for all my other different types of decks.
StuBi and I have 31 packs in our Jumpstart kit. Using temp Tokens means we don't need that many to carry around.
Again, it's what works for you.
I'm only letting people know a possible solution.
How has everyone been enjoying Jumpstart? We have found that decks with fliers tend to crush those that have none.
Caerwyn says... #2
This is a great idea! Would be super helpful at prereleases/other limited events as well, where you are unlikely to have the tokens. Thanks for sharing!
October 26, 2020 9:38 a.m.