Kaladesh Fantasy draft
General forum
Posted on Sept. 3, 2016, 3:28 p.m. by hannibal6
So, I wanted to create a sort of fantasy draft similar to what you'd see in sports.
The idea is that (ideally) 8 T/O users (although it could probably be anywhere from 6-10) would plan out a time (after KLD is completely spoiled) where we draft a "team" of 10 cards from the new set that we expect to do well at pro tour KLD.
scoring would be based on appearances of your cards in decks that win 6+ games, more points will be given for better finishes (2x points for 7 wins, 3x for 8...)
Your "team" will consist of the following cards:
Small creature (0-3 cmc)--3 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Medium creature (4-5 cmc)--3 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Big creature (6+ cmc)--3 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Instant--2 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Sorcery--2 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Enchantment--2 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Artifact--2 pts per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Flex slot Common--1 pt per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Flex slot Uncommon--1 pt per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
Flex slot Rare/Mythic--1 pt per 6+ finish (with multipliers)
It sounds like a lot of fun to me, hopefully enough people agree so we can make it happen!
It was definitely a fun thing to do and if you ever organise it again, I'm into it too.I definitely learden a lot regarding the evaluating cards from a new set
October 18, 2016 6:22 a.m.
I had a ton of fun. Thanks for doing this with me. I'm definitely down for doing it again When aether revolt comes out, maybe we can even recruit some more people.
October 19, 2016 1:49 p.m.
Same here :)
So same principle and lists have to be posted before next friday? Or was it before pro tour? (I'm not really following the competitive scene, so no idea if there's a pro tour or what not)
January 8, 2017 11:53 a.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #9
So we all need to exclude a card, right? I choose Ornithopter.
January 8, 2017 1:59 p.m.
If we are to this phase already, I will not hesitate to disclude Fatal Push.
January 8, 2017 2:02 p.m.
I'll exclude Shock, and yeah, once everyone picks we should try to get lists in by Friday before prerelease
January 8, 2017 9:25 p.m.
Alright, that's everyone, now we just post lists and wait for the pro tour.
January 9, 2017 1:23 p.m.
Medium Creature (4-5 CMC): Maverick Thopterist
Big Creature (6+ CMC): Herald of Anguish
Instant: Disallow
Sorcery: Yahenni's Expertise
Enchantment: Consulate Crackdown
Artifact: Aethersphere Harvester
Flex Common: Decommission
Flex Uncommon: Winding Constrictor
Flex Rare/Mythic: Tezzeret the Schemer
Yeah there was nothing good for the medium creature slot, lol. I'm also doubtful on the big creature slot. Aetherwind Basker was the only other one I could and would consider. I see Felidar Guardian being the best pick for 4-5 CMC, but it was excluded, thus leaving us with Maverick Thopterist. I chose it above Midnight Entourage, at least. There were a lot of flex spot rare/mythics I wanted to pick, namely Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, and Greenbelt Rampager.
At least I didn't go all-in on a strategy this time. The bannings will make things interesting as well.
January 10, 2017 6:25 a.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #17
Medium Creature: Maverick Thopterist
Large Creature: Herald of Anguish
Instant: Illusionist's Strategem
Sorcery: Yahenni's Expertise
Enchantment: Consulate Crackdown
Artifact: Peacewalker Colossus
Flex Common: Negate
Flex Uncommon: Perilous Predicament
Flex Rare: Aethergeode Miner
January 10, 2017 12:12 p.m.
MenacingBunny says... #19
Small creature (0-3 cmc)-- Baral, Chief of Compliance
Medium creature (4-5 cmc)-- Crackdown Construct
Big creature (6+ cmc)-- Herald of Anguish
Instant-- Invigorated Rampage
Sorcery-- Yahenni's Expertise
Enchantment-- Siege Modification
Artifact-- Paradox Engine
Flex slot Common-- Highspire Infusion
Flex slot Uncommon-- Reverse Engineer
Flex slot Rare/Mythic-- Peacewalker Colossus
January 13, 2017 9:07 p.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #20
Well, I haven't done the math, but as a group, we didn't do so hot. Aethersphere Harvester is the only one off the top of my head that I recall seeing in the top 8 at all.
February 7, 2017 5:49 a.m.
I think hannibal6 got a decent lead from the top8 results, because he has both Aethersphere Harvester and Spire of Industry in his list.
February 7, 2017 6:15 a.m.
Basically it seems that Ballista, Harvester, and Spire were all the best picks.
Fun fact: We all picked Yahenni's Expertise as our sorcery, and it saw a grand total of zero copies in the PT... lol.
February 7, 2017 7:19 a.m.
Yeah, I'm not sure who won, but I'm not really as interested this time. This pro tour was kind of boring. I'm thinking maybe this should only be a thing for the first set of blocks
February 7, 2017 8:49 a.m.
I didn't really follow the Pro Tour this time (thanks to reddit I'm aware of some weird thing with the beginning of combat step, but whatever). I must say I don't think the "Pro's" did a good job this time. The meta is so inbred... and there's barely cards from the new set in the decks.
It may be interesting to do this only for the big set of a block, as it has more cards in it, however the main problem for our game is the lack of rotation next time. When Amonkhet comes out... nothing will leave!
If there were rotation when Amonkhet comes out, this game would be super fun, as a lot of decks would lose signature cards and it will be hard to predict what decks will be around... Now we'll have to wait on the set after Amonkhet (Atlazan... or so I hope) for things to get really interesting. For Amonkhet, unless there's a boatload of badass cards, I expect not that many cards of the set will actually be of importance at the Pro Tour.
We still gotta wait on the results of this round of our game, but I still enjoyed it a lot, because it makes me more aware of the cards of a new set and forces me to judge their position in a bigger environment.
February 7, 2017 10:53 a.m.
I haven't done the math yet, but the win breakdown is online (am at work right now, so I won't be able to do it today):
February 13, 2017 8:39 a.m.
Hi all,
I did the math (feel free to check it if you want, the amount of decks is huge...) for the Aether Revolt part... and here are the results:
Bovine073 - 1377 points
Chandrian - 1331.5 points
hannibal6 - 1153 points
PhotogenicParasympathetic - 124 points
MenacingBunny - 18 points
The 3 biggest scorers were Walking Ballista, Rishkar, Peema Renegade and Winding Constrictor. Spire of Industry has an honorable mention because it's a land and could only contect in the flex spot.
February 18, 2017 10:39 a.m.
Yes it was very close. You'll notice that the scores are much lower than last time, this is because we had a lot of "miss" cards in the list.
I think this is partly because we misjudged some cards, but also because the "pro's" aren't trying to make the best deck, they're trying to make the most competitive deck for a super inbred tournament... which is a shame.
I'd have loved someone go the double combo way with both Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai and Wandering Fumarole + Crackdown Construct. The 3 topscoring cards all appear in the same deck which luckily for us did a good job (otherwise I doubt we'd have any scores above 1000).
February 18, 2017 12:33 p.m.
PhotogenicParasympathetic says... #29
Yeah, that was really close. I almost had you guys!
Bovine073 says... #1
Hey this was fun, I'll take second with pleasure :P
Thanks for organizing this, and I'm hyped for next time!
October 18, 2016 4:22 a.m.