Ludevic & Ulrich
General forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2016, 10:01 a.m. by Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully
It's almost like he is more of a mad scientist than a necromancer.
It's almost like they are testing the waters with the very easy to make broken, dual commanders.
It's almost like they made a card and had to assign a character to it, so they thought better a bottom up portrayal of a fan favourite than another rando-izzet legend.
It's almost like they make enough legends as it is and there is only so much room for flavour.
It's almost like different legendary cards can depict the same character, and another Ludevic can be printed.
It's almost like they thought for draft reasons or that for balancing a fast and hard hitting tribe a werewolf legend lord might be a bit fucking much without being underwhelming, and they've said that lords should be able to have multiples on the field, and that commander IS NOT THE PRIORITY FOR A STANDARD LEGAL SET.
It's almost like a U/R artifact commander would be nice but that they design all of this well before they can get feedback on some pattern filling things they may have left out, possibly intentionally for another set in say, two years.
I will submit that more tribal is always my bag, I FUCKING love the Lorwyn/Shadowmore block for that, but I just want people to SHUT UP!
Dredge4life says... #3
I'm very disappointed with Ludevic's. He should have interacted with the graveyard in some way, and I strongly believe he should have B in his colour identity.
Ulrich really upset werewolf players because they wanted their beloved cards to be playable in EDH, which they just aren't. Ulrich was supposed to help them by giving them a commander that specifically HELPS WEREWOLVES. The fact that he doesn't made every werewolf player sad, and the fact that WoTC didn't see this coming is very grim for the playerbase as a whole.
kanokarob says... #2
The problem is that Ulrich doesn't have to be a Lord to be an effective legendary werewolf.
The problem is that Ulrich is underwhelming as compared to his flavor, his card isn't unique. It's been done.
The problem is a werewolf that has the legendary super type is not a legendary werewolf if the effect is uninspired.
The problem is that Ludevic doesn't necessarily have to be tribal to be a necromancer, even in Izzet.
The problem is Ludevic doesn't reward you for having him as your commander as opposed to in the 99, when in a commander set, included legendary creatures should all be viable commanders in one way or another.
The problem is that both of these ideas or characters have been requested going back years, and as such there's been plenty of time to take the community's temperature on how they could have been done.
The problem is they weren't done well the first time, which means the players looking forward to those ideas have to continue to wait in disappointment for something reasonably commanding to be printed.
The problem is you don't have as much personal interest in these commanders as the people complaining. But that's OK, because they were meant for the community members that do, and these printings failed them. So don't listen if you don't care. Complaining about complaining is literally pointless.
October 29, 2016 2:52 p.m.