M11 Draft Bombs
General forum
Posted on July 17, 2010, 4:47 p.m. by honeymomo
Alright folks.. so we've all been through a few drafts now. What are your experiences? So far the biggest threats I've seen are these two great cards:
They're not big guys but they've been HUGE in every draft deck that I've seen run them. Troll shroud is super annoying and the other is great removal. Also, it's fairly easy to draft a bunch of them.
How have your drafts been going?
DeckBuilder345 says... #3
One other thought.... even if blue is being heavily drafted, you can still get good cards in blue, don't be afraid to splash it for the scry / card draw.
My rankings of colors Tied: blue/ green close second white.. then red black. red / black seem more like compliment colors.... have to combine them with one of the other strong colors.
July 18, 2010 3:17 a.m.
so far from the drafts ive been in every winning deck has basically been Mono white fliers.
1 - 3 Serra Angel
1-2 Cloud Crusader
2-3 Assault Griffin s
2-3 Wild Griffin
plus the occasional condemn, armoured ascention, mighty leap and excommunicate
July 18, 2010 8:42 a.m.
I won a draft yesterday running UB, U for fliers and some counter (2 mana leak, 1-2 negate), B for removal and some more creatures (Drafted a late nantuko so I tried to get more black.
Last match was against UW fliers, black knight helped out a lot, hard match but I made it in the end :)
July 18, 2010 1:47 p.m.
misshepeshu says... #6
In one particularly memorable game, the combination that ruled the board was Blinding Mage + Royal Assassin . It was sick. That plus a bunch of black and white fliers, a few Disentomb and some spot removal = death.
July 18, 2010 7:51 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #7
Mono white fliers is AMAZING! I drafted a Mono-White aggro Fliers deck that slashed green for 2 Protean Hydra s and a Spined Wurm . It was ridiculous.
July 18, 2010 8:57 p.m.
Mono white is looking like a great idea... I can't even count how many times Blinding Mage has shut me down!! Flying is also huge and there isn't too much non WU flying. I'll try to draft this next time.
I've been doing decent drafting only red but not enough to win! I say it's better as a splash colour 'cause Lightning Bolt is still so powerful.
July 19, 2010 1:26 a.m.
misshepeshu says... #9
After having played with Elixir of Immortality several times, I have to say: one of my favorite artifacts for M11 draft. I gain 5 life, AND I get to shuffle my graveyard back into my library after I've been Traumatize d? Why, thank you! May I please have another? In one epic game, I managed to gain 20 life, 15 of it from the Elixir.
July 20, 2010 2:42 p.m.
so recently while editing my decks i've noticed that they occasionally randomly get art tags to select between different art versions.
this is not a problem until i get to the playtester and half of my card arts are not showing up.
got anything?
May 27, 2014 10:13 p.m.
Guess the secret service could shut him down, before he could submit his conspiracy.
DeckBuilder345 says... #2
My draft exprience has taught me to never underestimate the value of Cloud Elemental a card that doesn't seem all that powerful at first pass... has been the keys to victory on more than one occasion. That 3 toughness really makes a difference!
Also depending on how the draft is going getting more than one copy of a Squadron Hawk can be a pretty powerful combo. especially with some of the combat tricks that white has available.
In non draft limited I saw thunderstrike be put to decidedly good use. Allowed that person to stall the game for a very long time with a mere 2 creatures till they were able to turn it in their favor. I also watched a game where Unsummon was the difference maker, in the game 3 in a row allowed to other side to win!
For what ever reason despite being printed at common Lightning Bolt seems more like a rare... or even a mythic based on how seldomly it shows up.
Leyline of Anticipation while certainly a nuisance hasn't really seemed to be much of an advantage or even a game changer in draft play.
Even a crappy card:Warlord's Axe can be useful, if the other side can't kill an artifact.
July 18, 2010 3:10 a.m.