M11 Pre-release event

General forum

Posted on July 7, 2010, 4:41 p.m. by DeckBuilder345

Anyone going? What do you hope you will be able to support as a card strategy when you open your 6 packs?

Strengths / weakness of m11?

Good color combos?

I am actually liking the way red is shaping up, it seems to have a fair bit of potential at least in comparison to m10, in which it seemed a bit meh. Does this series have more uncommon, rare, and mythics in it than previous sets? Seems like there are tons of hard to get cards here...too many in fact. I am thinking that color choice may almost be dictated by what rares and uncommons you have the most of in a particular color.

cardcoin says... #2

green/white to me seems to be very very strong for creature stuff.

Guess it all comes down to what you get in the packs. Too many fun things could be doing... But I'm hoping to get my hands on the blue Laylines, and the green elf with survival ability.

July 7, 2010 6:15 p.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #3

I admit green does have some solid creature drops, and white has a lot of fliers. That one that allows you to bring all his buddies into your hand i find especially interesting. I think i might be looking at red / green or red /black maybe depending on how the packs open up.

Black seems like it could be the most balanced of the colors out there right now.

July 7, 2010 6:26 p.m.

TheOnlyBamBam says... #4

I.m hoping for the Fauna Shaman...That will really beef up an elf deck!!!

July 7, 2010 6:52 p.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #5

Reverberate or Fire Servant and Magma Phoenix all look very exciting. Figure we should probably not put on the whish list any of the mythics as it doesn't seem too likely we would get them.

July 7, 2010 7:01 p.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #6

Here are my thoughts on this core set color break down.

Green feels like one of the best colors in M11.

Red i think is improved from m10,

Black, is pretty well balanced as a color

White, - is the super weenie color? w/ some flying

Blue- good spells but a step back mostly in creatures.

So possible combos.... Green / anything


Red / greeen

Red / black

Red / white


White /black

White/ green


Blue / green

Blue / white


Black/ red


Black / white

Big color on left is dominant little color on right is to help fill out holes.

July 8, 2010 2:17 p.m.

Jimmer says... #7

Anyone who manages to get Sword of Vengeance on the field has a HUGE advantage, especially with any sort of creature presence. The artifacts in this set are really good.

July 8, 2010 3:26 p.m.

zimek22 says... #8

so just to pick peoples brains a bit but what are your thoughts on which titans are the best? my list is as follows:

  1. primeval titan
  2. sun titan
  3. grave titan
  4. inferno titan
  5. frost titan

I think I am a tad biased though due to my building of my new deck emrakut

July 8, 2010 5:32 p.m.

Zanven says... #9

I'm gunning for full blown card:Jace's Erasure jankmill.

July 9, 2010 2:48 a.m.

landot says... #10

I like Goblin Tunneler + Scroll Thief or Reverberate + Call to Mind + anything. I can imagine going green black in draft and making a solid deck.

Sacred Wolf + Primal Cocoon means you can just stall until the wolf is big enough to win the game for you.

July 9, 2010 6:56 a.m.

Twitch911 says... #11

Landot, good ideas on the tunneler + scroll thief matchup. I like the idea of using the Primal Cocoon on the Sacred wolf too.

I'm liking red and black for creature control. Green has great creatures, and blue has good cards to allow card advantage. It's hard to choose.

July 9, 2010 8:11 a.m.

@ zimek22

I have the list slightly different from yours.

  1. Grave Titan - this guy is just far too awesome pumping out those 2/2's all over the place.
  2. Sun Titan - returning things to life from the gy is always a good idea.
3 way tie between the rest i think. Nothing here really excites.

If forced to rank them.... 1)inferno 2)Frost 3) primeval... but i resever the right to completely alter those 3.

July 9, 2010 3:59 p.m.

sporkife says... #13



  1. Grave Titan
  2. Sun Titan
  3. Inferno Titan
  4. Primeval Titan
  5. Frost Titan
  1. Primeval Titan

-large gap here-

  1. Grave Titan
  2. Sun Titan
  3. Inferno Titan
  4. Frost Titan
In limited, dudes. dudes. dudes. then returning whatever happens to have died before. then - the ability to toast weenies is great, or the combination of that and firebreathing to stick a couple extra to the face. In constructed...yeah, lands, thanks, especially since I can toss out a Primeval Titan third turn on a god draw ( Joraga Treespeaker , Lotus Cobra , Harrow , Primeval Titan , Forest, Forest, Forest, among others) and be able to hardcast any titan, or a baneslayer, or jace tms, or gid'yun, or anything like that fourth turn.

ohgod... g/w midrange... save us...

but i digress...

i was going to go, and hope for either jank-mill or g/x beats, but i can't get a ride :( s'no fun. my consolation prize is the box i preordered.

July 10, 2010 9:22 p.m.

landot says... #14

white and green seemed to carry the day at my pre-release event. I cruised into the finals at our limited tournament on the back of a Vengeful Archon and a couple of Duskdale Wurm s.

How'd it go for everyone else?

July 11, 2010 5:22 a.m.

In the sealed constructed play i got whooped bad. I started out with a rush and went 2-1 and then completely failed going 1-2 for all the rest of my matches. I was playing White/ Red. Got some horrible mana screw. At one point i was even running 19 lands and still couldn't draw a mana to save my life. Inexplicably bad mana draws. I chalk a lot of it up to bad luck. Could have used a few better cards, and got horribly screwed on the draw couldn't get any mana to save my life in at least 2 matches, even after going to 19 mana. (and yes i spaced the mana out, I shuffled, i did everything imaginable... didn't make a difference)

Consolation prize in constructed play was getting a Grave Titan and a Ajani Goldmane also a Glacial Fortress and Sunpetal Grove in the packs i opened which was awesome. Oh and i got 2 consolation packs mostly for sticking around to the end lol. Oh and lets not forget the free Sun Titan with the cool art work for just showing up! YAY!

We had a draft immediately afterward. I played blue/green. Had some really good blue cards despite it being a heavily drafted color. I did much much better in the draft coming in 3rd place, winning most of my matches 2-0. Made a bad play in my first match that lead to an otherwise avoidable loss. The prizes were draft picks in the rare / mythic /foil draft (ie everyone threw in their mythics and foil and rare, and we picked each according to our placement) and i had 3rd pick so i ended up with Liliana Vess , Magma Phoenix x2 and a Steel Overseer

July 11, 2010 6:09 p.m.

Anyone else go and willing to share their results?

July 11, 2010 6:12 p.m.

s0m_the_Wise says... #17

i went 50/50 with a green white beat-down. Shiny garruk (first booster foil garruk wooo!) won me three games and vengeful archon although cast 3 times did nothing but get deathmarked twice and doom bladed once...

Rest of the deck was a shedload of griffins and some green and white buff. Unfortunately i was pretty screwed for removal, i got 3 pacifisms and one excommunicate and the rest of my colours were unplayable even for a splash.

My best play was an armoured ascension on a sacred wolf.

I also opened 2 goblin chieftains making it a total of 6 i now own...

July 12, 2010 12:58 p.m.

zimek22 says... #18

i went with esper and i went 3-1 it was great the one was to g/w aggro and my bombs were Angelic Arbiter and frost titan and let me say i thought Frost Titan sucked i was wrong i only splashed blue for him an Augury Owl and two Negate s but every time he tabled i won he is a house in sealed and i think he may have a place in standard so get yours early.

Frost Titan is now my second favorite titan first is still Primeval Titan

I took sixth with that record because there were so many people still got three packs though :)

o and one more thing isn't it amazing how they centered the art around Frost Titan s package? say hello mr. manhattan

July 12, 2010 11:39 p.m.

SirNips says... #19

went 3/1 With the deck i created, wasn't being tested at all till the final round where my deck decided that i need millions of land to play.

Managed to drag out the game for about 20 turns due to mystifying maze drawing all the land in my deck 2 games in a row which was disappointing.

Although it did make me think that maybe the maze will actually see a little constructed play.

Deck : M11 Sealed 1.

Then the 2nd sealed i did , i just had a jank pool. i almost jumped into 3 colours execpt that a 3rd colour would only have mana screwed me and the other colour would have only offered 2 or 3 more playable cards. So yeah...

So yeah when the deck decided it wanted to be a weenie deck it won, the other times it lost

Nantuko Shade basically won games for me before the opponent played anything.

So yeah went 2 - 2 for the 2nd sealed which i was pretty happy with.

Deck : M11 Sealed 2.

July 13, 2010 8 p.m.

mossmaster says... #20

My deck mainly focuses on black and splashes green i call it the swamp deck hence the name "Stay outta my swamp!" it uses alot of removal and discards to activate deathrite shamans abilities but also has other ways to win such as removing any of the larger creatures and hitting in with damage with my smaller creatures http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/stay-outta-my-swamp-1/

April 18, 2014 10:15 p.m.

kintighd says... #21

April 18, 2014 10:18 p.m.

mossmaster says... #22


April 19, 2014 10:27 a.m.

This discussion has been closed