M11 predictions
General forum
Posted on May 13, 2010, 4:11 a.m. by Xander574
Well boys and girls, lets see what you think is going to show up in the next set.
well lets start with planeswalkers First off i dont think tehy will reprint any planeswalkers from zendikar block since they will cycle out at the same time anyways and it would be a waste. also (with possibly the exception of red) i dont think they will print any of the planeswalkers that got remakes in the newer sets. So no old jace, Blue: Tezzeret the Seeker :as a reminder of who he is for mirrodin and or (if he isnt going to be made into a new one in mirrodin) an artifact based planeswalker for mirodin. Seeing that m11 is suppose to 1) complete the old set, plus also set the ground workk for the next one this makes to much sense.
Green:Garruk Wildspeaker Hes still super strong and usefull. there is also no other greens planeswalker that will be cycling out or really comes close to his versatility.
White: Elspeth, Knight-Errant The "new" whtie planeswalkker. Ajani one isnt as impressive, 2 is also gotten a remake, making her make more sense as a reprint.
black: Liliana Vess I kinda hope the change her adding new abilities getting rid of old, but if not her original card will still most likly be around and isnt two bad.
Red:well personally, i thinkk they may make this one the brand new never before seen planewalker for m11. I may be way off here, but though red has showed up in every single multicolored planeswalkker ever, it has yet to get more then one mono collored planeswalker class.
The big cards. Baneslayer Angel and Vampire Nocturnus will be reprinted
if elvish-archedruid is not reprinted then one of the many elf lords will be. as will a lord for every creature type. (hoping for elf token creation)
there will be some gold cards personally hoping for Wall of Denial . and dreading it but allowing the possibility of Blightning and Terminate
speakking of walls, i can see some of the greater defenders of all time making a come back.
Blue will get better, be it through Brainstorm , Counterspell , or any of the other really good blue cards at least one will be reprinted. (also we probably wont lose ponder.) possibly a hard counter in the rare slot. (i dont think counterspell is gonna make a come back since Deprive just came out.
NO MORE Cancel
Artifact heavy. They need to set up the scars of mirrodin blockk so there will definitely be some artifact related cards. (if you haven't figured it out thats why tukktuk-scrapper even exists.
okay im done for now what are your thoughts?
Wow, I have totally different predictions than you do! I can't see them reprinting Elspeth, Baneslayer, or Nocturnus. They're powerful cards but they stick out as chase-rares too much to be staples.
They reprinted the standard planeswalkers again after Lorwyn, so I actually think they'll do the same again for M11, but probably like you claim (the remake versions, so Ablaze, Sculptor, etc).
As for Cancel, Wizards has emphatically stated on several occasions that they will never again make a general two mana hard counterspell without a drawback, so I think Cancel is going to be around for a looooong time.
Tribal is always popular, so I agree with the Elf aspect of things, but maybe some more Goblin love for red, and hopefully Zombies this time for Black. What I really want to see is some love for mill, but seeing how it just got slapped by Eldrazi, it'd have to be some kind of nutty exile-mill.
May 13, 2010 4:18 a.m.
what ive heard is that blue is suppose to get a revamp. and i aggree on the no counterspell though I just hate cancel if they would call it WRONGE iw ould enjoy it more (there are currently three different copies of it in standard.) the reason i think baneslayer at least will be reprinted is because unlike every other coreset. and for that matter any set period m10 will only have a 15 month standrad run. compaired to two year run. so allot of format staples will stick around. i think vamps are to popular to go backk to zombies. and i dont thinkk they will reprint any of the redone planeswalkers from zendikar block too redundant. the lorwyn planeswalkers were perfect for m10 because lorwyn was about to cycle out.
May 13, 2010 4:23 a.m.
I'm holding my breath for Path to Exile to be reprinted, I refuse to believe Oust will replace such a powerful card ><
May 13, 2010 4:25 a.m.
yankeedave says... #6
With all the speculation with regards to "OverExtended", Combo will be rife and will need a "free" counter. I can see Force of Will being reprinted, if not in M2011, then in M2012. Me and my team have already broken the format if they don't reprint Force!
May 13, 2010 7:37 a.m.
Force of Will isn't on the reprint list, so it is possible. I just think that people in Legacy would get steamed over it. It'd be difficult to have it retain its value; does it stay a rare? Become Mythic?
May 13, 2010 12:23 p.m.
I agree with bloodclot. I doubt path will be reprinted, because it seems a little set specific, but i am hoping something better than oust will be released.
May 13, 2010 2:17 p.m.
patrickd117 says... #9
I am almost compleley sure that Tezzeret will not be reprinted in the core set: in the coresets they want to showcase each of the colors individual abilities, Tezzeret doesn't do that. Additionally promoting of Jace as really the figurehead of Magic, would make it unlikely for him 2 be taken out, I doubt they will make any changes to the planeswalkers from M10. Other than that, I don't really have any thoughts on the reprints.
May 13, 2010 2:29 p.m.
my arguement for the planeswalkers is this. When m10 printed the lorwyn planeswalkers. it was just before lorwyn cycled out of standard. Right now shards block is about to cycle out. and though nicol bolas, ajani vengeant, and sarkahn are all to (shards block plot specific) elspeth and tezzeret are not. especially with teh artifact heavy mirrodin block coming up. old jace has no point seeing that new jace is around and milling is no longer valid with the eldrazi being arouhnd. ANd i cant see them reprinting new jace yet. It would make worldwake sales go away completely.
May 13, 2010 2:44 p.m.
Namemattersnot says... #11
We really don't know that Scars is going to be and artifact set. I've heard rumors that its going to be an enchantment based set. Personally I hope that not true, but if it is it makes a reprint of Tezzeret the Seeker highly unlikely.
May 13, 2010 3:47 p.m.
i mean... mirrodin is a plane that is completely artifact created by karn. It would be very suprising if it wasn't artifact heavy. AS scars go, i heard somewhere the artificial planes have an experation date. so it sounds like mirrodin has reached is. Plot wise i would assume we would get a new tezzeret (inslaved by nicol bolas) and a KARN (the creator of mirrodin) planeswalker in mirrodin. But m11 will have tezzeret to remind everyone who he is.
May 13, 2010 5:10 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #13
I think all we're going to get for counterspells is an exact reprint of the Zendikar Cancel .
May 13, 2010 7:24 p.m.
Nope, Fairly sure that Mr. Tezzeret will stay hidden till, Scars.
I dont think that they'd want both of them to be within a set of each other.
Elspeth probably wont get a reprint, though it'd be nice to have her around still.
And i do agree that Cancel will probably be around for a while. And i suppose it'll bring Essence Scatter and Negate With it hopefully
May 14, 2010 9:30 p.m.
I would love to see Rethink come back especially with the eldrazi's instead of paying 15 for emrakul you'll now have to pay 30 or he's countered and then Ravenous Trap once emrakul's ability trigers
May 15, 2010 11:57 p.m.
THE BLUE COUNTER SPELLLLLL ISSSSSSSSSS MANAAA LEAK also for more great spoilers http://www.gatheringmagic.com/magic-2011-spoiler-page-0248/
June 25, 2010 1:17 a.m.
rockleemyhero says... #19
I'm too lazy to read everything. just read the original post about the planeswalkers. I have a really good feeling that elspeth will NOT be remade....and tez will be reprinted in scars of mirrodin. The reason is simple, they are releasing elspeth vs tez in sept, so why would they allow elspeth to be in standard when its already selling for 40 bucks? What I'm trying to say is, they are at an economical loss if they reprint her. yeah yeah, you could say that itll attract more magic players and what not but i still think it will overall hurt them finically to reprint her.
June 25, 2010 1:35 a.m.
I am thinking that they will remake Tez as U/B because he is going to essentially have a "mad" version because of bolas' control over him.
June 26, 2010 4:50 p.m.
I have a standard deck that works off of Medomai the Ageless , is the resonator a good fit or should I swap it for something else?
October 24, 2013 6:57 p.m.
i like the Strionic Resonator . i haven't built a deck around being able to use it yet, but it can be very useful and i've been snatching them up when i can because i feel like it can have a lot of use. it comes out early. it's not terribly expensive to use, and there's not much artifact hate in standard right now. (not by me anyway). i think i've had one artifact blasted in the last 2 months. i would play a few fnms or casual games if that's what youre doin, and see how you like it before changing it out. every one of your creatures can benefit from it so i'd say give it a go.... Fireshrieker on the other hand i found to be a bit too time/mana consuming to really be useful.
October 24, 2013 7:12 p.m.
but it gives that double strike, and can keep giving the double strike even after the creature its on is killed, honestly its looking good even with the resonator.
October 24, 2013 7:14 p.m.
No, Strionic Resonator is not good. It is a combo card that does nothing on its own. Medomai is no good either. Any 6+ drop should either win the game, create value on ETB, or have protection.
October 24, 2013 7:21 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #25
@maxon - There is quite a bit of artifact hate out there right now. Most of these cards target artifacts or enchantments, so people are running them to get rid of the gods, bestow creatures, and weapons.
Theros brought us Annul , Artisan's Sorrow , Demolish , Destructive Revelry , Fade into Antiquity , and Wild Celebrants
October 24, 2013 7:23 p.m.
meh I've got a good build for a casual game with him, I mean Medomai is no Archangel of Thune but it still deserves use.
October 24, 2013 7:25 p.m.
@SharuumNyan i know the "anti artifact" cards are there, i'm just not seeing them by me is what i am saying. in the past 2 months i've had only one blasted.
October 24, 2013 7:27 p.m.
nvm I'm gonna go with Ajani, Caller of the Pride since hes got more double strike madness.
October 24, 2013 8:04 p.m.
In my standard deck Triumph of Darkness! (Purest Black Devotion!)
I have found Strionic Resonator to be VERY MUCH worth the trouble, the risk, and the card space. Unfortunately It is not the most consistent card. That is to say: It doesn't always help me pull off amazing combos because of the cost to active Abhorrent Overlord + Strionic Resonator = 9 mana. When I do pull off a brutal ETB effect Strionic Resonator helps me double the pain. Again, my deck isn't "built around" it. But it does include it, and I'm very happy with it. I have added several triggered effects, and ETB effects to use it on. Strionic Resonator doesn't do anything by it'self but with the right build you can get ALOT of mileage out of this little $1 rare.
Just to demonstrate my point: Dropping Gray Merchant of Asphodel for 5-7 damage is really easy in my deck. Doubling that damage (and healing) is a beautiful thing!
Xander574 says... #2
oh idea for the red planeswalker
volcano man-2rr planeswalkker-volcano
+1 creatures gain haste until end of turn
-5 Browbeat
-7 put two 7/1 elemtental creatures with haste into play exile them at end of turn.
Starting loyalty=5
If not i submit this to the create a set challenge ;P
May 13, 2010 4:18 a.m.