Magic getting repetitive
General forum
Posted on Aug. 16, 2019, 1:10 a.m. by Nasser_inside1
As I was looking for decks to make, I realized magic was quite a repetitive game, I had no idea what to do, and I don’t know what to do.
Nasser_inside1 says... #3
Which “competitive” format should I focus my deck building/interests would you recommend
August 16, 2019 2:21 a.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #4
All right, I’ll just stick with one format:
August 16, 2019 2:51 a.m.
Monomanamaniac says... #5
What do you currently play? And how competitively
August 16, 2019 2:52 a.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #6
I currently am playing modern (with the cards I have) but I like standard and pauper better, I like my decks to be highly competitive, but I have no idea if they are
August 16, 2019 2:53 a.m.
Monomanamaniac says... #7
Pauper is repetitive, commons generally follow a certain power and flavor scheme. If you're really into fun you should try commander, it can be very competitive, but you can only use 1 of a card so things are a lot more random and your deck has a bunch of stuff in it you wouldn't play anywhere else. Still, mtg is a card game that has a clear identity by existing for as long as it has; this is going to lead to a formula, which gets slightly changed over time, but is at its core the same.
Also modern can be very fun, but it needs to update the cut off point to origins. The problem with it is that the meta for it has already been figured out. That's why standard is the most popular "normal" way to play (I personally hate standard because it makes your decks only good for 2 years or less). Commander is the Most popular magic format to my knowledgeable, but has a very big card pool and a bit of a meta problem
August 16, 2019 3:04 a.m.
Nasser_inside1 says... #8
There is one thing though, Monomanamaniac, I don’t know which commander to pick, Ive been looking for a fun, weird, and competitive commander, the only thing I found was Zur the Enchanter , and I’ve already built a deck around him, but I’m still looking forward to a commander that I can like, play, and have fun with it (possibly tormenting my enemies)
August 16, 2019 3:11 a.m.
Pauper is also commonly a 1 event a month kind of format for a lot of stores still, it also sounds like you have no clue about how to use google to look up mtg stuff, Mtg goldfish is decent at keeping track of a metagame. Now the correct way to use a meta snapshot is to know roughly what is good in the format and what you will have to beat.
August 16, 2019 3:29 a.m.
Monomanamaniac says... #10
Teysa karlov aristocrats, God of death I like Teysa Karlov myself, black white aristocrats is my favorite deck.
My understanding of it is you want a commander that does something when you meet a certain condition, some of the best examples let you draw cards. The pre con decks are halfway trash, but their commanders are VERY good, except the planeswalkers, who are hit and miss.
Also, I would shy away from things that like to attack, attacking isn't always a guarantee and you want that in an ability. Side note interesting choice to go with those colors and not do artifacts, most decks I see with white and blue run red or green as the third color.
Commander also depends on your budget, I had to break the bank a bit, and disassemble a few decks, in order to get the cards needed for mine. Totally worth it though, it's never repetitive even though it's consistent in what it does. I am also looking into Kykar, Wind's Fury who is a powerhouse for a planeswalker deck. The real question is what do YOU want to do most? What colors do you want to use? What kind of cards do you want to play? Do you have a theme, gimmick, tribe, combo, card type that you like using? From There you look at the colors you want, look at legendary creatures in those colors, and brew up some ideas.
I do agree with them though, if you're looking to be competitive you have to use your resources. I play commander competitively very rarely and I build what I like, not what suits the meta. I Will admit the formula for building good commander decks is kinda dull, and involves building over half the deck the same way each time, but you seriously get a few deck slots for your own personal touch, which is very nice
August 16, 2019 3:53 a.m.
If you feel Magic is getting repetitive why not play Standard? It is the only rotating format that was mentioned. Modern and Commander do not rotate and so the card pool is only added upon, leaving the same staples for the most part. Standard rotates so you won't be playing the same cards and decks and it will change more than the other formats mentioned.
August 16, 2019 11:08 a.m.
DracomnisGT says... #12
I've had the same experience as you, Nasser_inside1. I've tried a fair amount of different budget Modern decks, but i couldn't win at all.
I wish WOTC would create a new format that starts at Origins, that players on a tight budget could still play top-tier decks without breaking the bank. I know Pauper exists, but i would like to play with rares and mythics, too. What are your thoughts about this?
August 16, 2019 2:41 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #13
DracomnisGT Which budget decks have you tried, and for how long? Modern is the format where you are most rewarded for knowing what your deck does, and what your opponent’s deck does. As long as you’re doing something powerful and know what your opponent is trying to do, you should be able to at least win a few games.
Monomanamaniac Modern isn’t a solved format. There are “best decks” at any given time, but there are literally tens of viable decks. It’s the most open format by a pretty fair margin. If Hogaak gets banned, this will be even more true.
Nasser_inside1 I think if you enjoy anything about Modern, you should put together one really good deck, and try and play it to the best of your ability. Pick a deck that isn’t incredibly linear, like Death and Taxes, and just see if you like the decision points. Otherwise, EDH is the flagship format for things being different, so I agree with Monomanamaniac in that regard.
August 16, 2019 3:42 p.m.
It's never a bad idea to pick up any of the commander precons. They'll give you a great starting point
August 16, 2019 5:51 p.m.
DracomnisGT says... #15
Dredge4life, I have tried Mono-Red Prowess, but i couldn't win due to severe consistency issues, caused by a lack of fetches. The same formula goes for pretty much every other deck I've played. From what I've learned, budget manabases have severe drawbacks when it comes to consistency. At the moment, i have a budget Abzan midrange deck, that i have never playtested against an actual opponent, because the manabase is so atrocious. But now,i'm considering fetchless storm, or perhaps mono-green elves. Where do you think i should go? thanks, DracomnisGT.
August 17, 2019 1:09 p.m.
Monomanamaniac says... #16
Modern elves Are amazing, best tribe besides eldrazi and humans. So much better now that beast whisperer is a thing. I have a few modern elf decks you could take a look at
August 17, 2019 2:47 p.m.
DracomnisGT says... #17
That honestly sounds great! Would you mind posting a link or two? Thanks, DracomnisGT
August 17, 2019 5:02 p.m.
Monomanamaniac says... #18
Monomanamaniac's Infinite elves that's my latest build. I have a couple more but they're too sensitive to removal
August 17, 2019 9 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #19
DracomnisGT May I ask how many games you’ve played with Prowess? In my experience the deck is fairly consistent. It definitely killed me last night, lol.
Otherwise, I think fetchless Storm is really solid. Not great in the top tiers of competition at the moment, but it’s super good at the FNM level.
August 17, 2019 9:35 p.m.
DracomnisGT says... #20
Dredge4life, I played only 1 FNM with it, before i gave up. I severely regret selling it now. If i can get my hands on mono-green elves, i will stick to that deck. Or maybe i will pick prowess back up, and give it a second chance.
August 18, 2019 2:04 p.m.
ShutUpMokuba says... #22
Honestly that could be a problem of any trading card game. Hobbies in general could become repetitive. I could advise you to play less frequently and cultivate more your other hobbies or find new ones. When i play magic after a long time i haven't i feel more satisfied. I could also advise you to try commander if you haven't and to try a less competitive meta where you don't alway wins with the same combos.
Demarge says... #2
Any hobby is repetitive. The best way to end the feeling is to either leave it or up how competitive you play it, you have literally been jumping format to format with no time to really learn it, you're only licking the frosting and claiming you're bored of cake.
Find a nearby game store with events, build a deck to play the format for those events and try to win, when you've started winning too often try tournaments with higher payouts, slowly climb that ladder.
August 16, 2019 2:09 a.m.