Magic Mate - An alexa skill giving information about MTG cards/keywords
General forum
Posted on April 4, 2019, 10:10 a.m. by GeorgeDuckett
Hi, I hope this is ok to post this here, sorry and feel free to remove if not.
I've created an Alexa skill here that can be used to get information about MTG cards or keywords. It works with voice only, but also has extra features for Alexa devices with screens. It will do its best to work out what card you said when Alexa mishears you too. There is an equivalent reddit thread here
There are still improvements I'd like to make and I've not added all features I want; I'd love to hear your feedback!
Skill text below:
With Magic mate you can get information about Magic: The Gathering cards and keywords. You can ask Alexa to tell you about a given card/keyword, or you can ask for just the information you want such as: the artist, color, casting cost, converted mana cost, when it was first printed, the flavor text, the rulings, sets and the text. You can also ask for the current price to buy the card as well as asking what other cards go well with a given card.
Phrases you can try include:
- Tell me about a random card.
- Tell me about a random keyword.
- Tell me about the card Flash.
- Tell me about Haste.
- When was Lightning Bolt first released?
- What's the casting cost of Vicious Betrayal?
- Tell me about the keyword Flash.
- What sets does Cataclysm belong to?
- Where is Training Drone legal?
- What are the rulings for Slashing Tiger?
- What's the text for Heavy Infantry?
- What is the converted mana cost of Dive Down?
- What is the price of Titanic Brawl?
- Surprise me!
- Give me recommendations for The Locust God
- Where there is ambiguity between a card and keyword it will ask you to clarify whether you mean the card or the keyword.
- Alexa has trouble with recognising some card names; if you have a device with a screen it will present best guesses for you to select from, otherwise it will pick the most likely one.
- The game Magic: The Gathering, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- This skill is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast
- Card and set data sourced from
- Keyword information sourced from
- Pricing and image data source from
Chandra585 says... #3
Can you make it so it refers to Deathrite Shaman as the best planeswalker? And where do I get this skill?
April 4, 2019 12:24 p.m.
GeorgeDuckett says... #4
Sorry about that, the links worked in preview but don't appear to when actually posted. I've edited my post to make them bare links.
M_Malcom says... #2
Make it so it play’s despacito whenever my creature gets pathed or pushed and you’ll have a hit.
April 4, 2019 11:11 a.m.